Using a tripwire like that as a hider is of non use, basically fucking yourself over by doing so. So showing both hider and seeker should be a seek ability.
If its a wire: would it be possible for seeks to place it anywhere?
If so: Isn't it then possible for one seek to have an extra weapon or nade, upon landing everything within 5 x meter of that becomes visible? Or would it be too OP in some maps?
As a secondary I would suggest to add a tripwire for one, maybe 2 hiders, where the hider who placed it gets a message on screen + sound, without woolheck.
This both doesn't add any value to open maps though, so I'd like to suggest something for that
Add a knockback nade, allowing you to jump like 10-15 meter high if detonated below you.
not sure if possible for individual, so it does not affect other hiders/seekers.
I think open maps are usually the most easiest for seeks (unless its huge map). So it would be nice for some hider(s) to have that nade. And sometimes seeks can use it too?

depending on boosters, mm1 active etc.
It would all come down to balance though in the end, which some current maps lack actually. (rpg in wrong maps etc.) it would give the editors more work to do