Ideas to improve H&S

Add a secondary seeker weapon (like the m4 is to the rpg), maybe something that can stun or knock back hiders
That would sound fun as well yeah.

Just to roll with it a bit, a gun with 1 bullet, if you hit a hider they’ll have a huge mark on top of their character for E.g. 1 minute so you’re an easy target. Or a “web bomb” (excuse me I just recently played Spider-Man so that was the easiest way to explain it hhhh) which would within a specific radius would either immobilise the players or yeah just stun them.

web bomb drawback is that we have to take away one of the seeker nades, which will probably be something like smoke, cuz flashes, frag nades and fire nades are useful. Or make it so it takes the fire nade spot and checks whether you have a ‘web bomb’ instead
Just to roll with it a bit, a gun with 1 bullet, if you hit a hider they’ll have a huge mark on top of their character for E.g. 1 minute so you’re an easy target. Or a “web bomb” (excuse me I just recently played Spider-Man so that was the easiest way to explain it hhhh) which would within a specific radius would either immobilise the players or yeah just stun them.

Idk how hard it is in terms of actual implementation but for the web bomb, you could make it so when someone is hit, if he touches other hiders they get tangled as well (for the duration of the effect), this will make everyone run away from "infected people" this could easily be too op though, should be careful with timings.

Another thing could be a "double agent" role for one of the hiders, where his goal is to "mark people" and if they get killed while marked (which can be a short wh for seekers) he gets a point or smthn (perhaps something at the end for leaderboards to not mess with cage too much) might be hard to implement as well though.
Idk how hard it is in terms of actual implementation but for the web bomb, you could make it so when someone is hit, if he touches other hiders they get tangled as well (for the duration of the effect), this will make everyone run away from "infected people" this could easily be too op though, should be careful with timings.

Another thing could be a "double agent" role for one of the hiders, where his goal is to "mark people" and if they get killed while marked (which can be a short wh for seekers) he gets a point or smthn (perhaps something at the end for leaderboards to not mess with cage too much) might be hard to implement as well though.
Maybe the person with rpg should be marked ^^

Most OP weapon vs woolheck, can be a nice balance

Nice idea's though
- MM1 can shoot through walls
- MM1 has more knockback, so it can knock players of an edge
- MM1 reload automatic after use

- ? Nade transforms into an object that is actually in the map

- 1 time use for the goggles where you can go invisible for 6 seconds (not go invisible, then visible, then invibisble again) and not leaving a green smoke behind but instead a sound is playing
- MM1 can shoot through walls
that is unfortunately impossible
- MM1 has more knockback, so it can knock players of an edge
can be done easily
- MM1 reload automatic after use
that imo unbalances it a bit too much
- ? Nade transforms into an object that is actually in the map
would require a map modder to somehow define the objects in use for each map. Had the same idea for prophunts.
- 1 time use for the goggles where you can go invisible for 6 seconds (not go invisible, then visible, then invibisble again) and not leaving a green smoke behind but instead a sound is playing
you mean for seeks?
Idk how hard it is in terms of actual implementation but for the web bomb, you could make it so when someone is hit, if he touches other hiders they get tangled as well
shouldn't be hard, tho I do think that it will require the hider to actually knife the player.
that is unfortunately impossible

can be done easily

that imo unbalances it a bit too much

would require a map modder to somehow define the objects in use for each map. Had the same idea for prophunts.

you mean for seeks?
well we can modify the smoke but having full invisibility would make it slightly op
  • Setting custom roundtimelimits per map, some maps are perfect in 2:30 others in 3:30, etc.
  • Removing weapons from simple/stun maps(e.g. mp_kam1).
  • More clean and simple maps, less over-edited full of boxes/jumping maps.
  • (CoD inspired) Let the players decide what the next map is, by calling a multiple-choice vote near the end of each map.
  • (CoD inspired) Let the players decide what the next map is, by calling a multiple-choice vote near the end of each map(With no option to restart the current map to avoid spamming it).
Dont think thats a good idea,
For example:
7 friends go to a netcafe and play sof they tell each other to choose one map then its almost guaranteed that its going to be that map
Dont think thats a good idea,
For example:
7 friends go to a netcafe and play sof they tell each other to choose one map then its almost guaranteed that its going to be that map
it sucks we have to put all those little egy things into consideration everytime, and a whole new project idea would be eventually ruined because of them haha.
  • Setting custom roundtimelimits per map, some maps are perfect in 2:30 others in 3:30, etc.
  • Removing weapons from simple/stun maps(e.g. mp_kam1).
  • More clean and simple maps, less over-edited full of boxes/jumping maps.
these 3 are not mod improvements as they already exist.
(CoD inspired) Let the players decide what the next map is, by calling a multiple-choice vote near the end of each map.
iirc multiple choice vote is not possible out of box. Would make mapcycles a ton harder to manage because the maps which are playable still have to be defined.

multiple choices could be done with something like !vote <option> but for maps idk if there's a good choice.
it sucks we have to put all those little egy things into consideration everytime, and a whole new project idea would be eventually ruined because of them haha.
Honestly its not just egys if egys were gone and idk uhh russians came in place nothing would change
Hiders should be able to lend each other a knife by throwing it at each other and they could actually recieve it and be able to use it.

the lazyass boeman was supposed to implement this long time ago.
@Janno you should somehow get boe's 1fx mod to-do list, he had tons of ideas noted.
ok tbh almost of the people here got janno's question wrong, janno asked about hide&seek improvement, he didn't ask for a new gametype or some small changes .

so the real hide&seek improvement is REMOVE ANY FUCKING MAP WITH GREEN BOXES , just kidding ehm.

if you want a real h&s improvement , just make it a real hide&seek gametype, let ur map makers stop giving a chance for stun or run , hiders need to hide , also if you are talking about what you can dev for it , i think it will need more client side work not server side, maybe you make something like hiders who get killed they go to a prison and maybe their friends can release them somehow , that can be added nicely to this gametype.