Rox Anticheat (Previously 1fx AC)

For everyone using AC, Jenno just implemented Speclist feature into the server-mod today, that means if you want to see who's spectating you, use

cg_speclist 1
cvar in console.

It will display up to 8 players if there are additional spectators, the number will increase accordingly such as (9), (10), (11), and so on.

Ah and since this is server-side ac users will also be able to see individuals who are not on the AC, but are spectating you.

For everyone using AC, Jenno just implemented Speclist feature into the server-mod today, that means if you want to see who's spectating you, use

cg_speclist 1
cvar in console.

It will display up to 8 players if there are additional spectators, the number will increase accordingly such as (9), (10), (11), and so on.

Ah and since this is server-side ac users will also be able to see individuals who are not on the AC, but are spectating you.

g0d feature thanks guys
Yoo, I did download AC however, It randomly crashes the game even with the fresh install of sof2, I did exactly everything from the tutorial on ROXs website though. Sometimes It lets me join the server and play for sometime before crash happens and sometimes It crashes literally at the joining phase while it says '' Loading...''
Yoo, I did download AC however, It randomly crashes the game even with the fresh install of sof2, I did exactly everything from the tutorial on ROXs website though. Sometimes It lets me join the server and play for sometime before crash happens and sometimes It crashes literally at the joining phase while it says '' Loading...''
@Shoke guess some debugger usage is in order again.

What OS are you running and did you get the Rox fixes shared by @Liberty ?
I dont think the fix above will solve the problem since that is in no way related to a crash.

Does it throw an error or just closes sof2? With “sof2 stopped working”

Do you have any antivirus programs except windows firewall?

Also need OS info and where the game is placed on desktop or C drive or whatever.

This seems to be a weird issue, as nobody reported such a crash till now.
The fix shared from liberty just makes sure that sof2 runs a legit copy of opengl32 as non legit windows copies may contain different addys which will trigger the AC.

The addys could change with microsoft’s updates, but i am running on Windows 11 (newest) which is running fine.

I had a similar issue tho
Thanks to liberty testings i could find out what was causing it as i could reproduce the issue with running the debugger, but that issue has been fixed, and since then i had no reports of any crashes again
Yeah Im running Windows 11 as well, will give fixes a try. EDIT: I tried both drives, C (SSD) and D (M.2). My antivirus is turned off because I thought It was interfering with the game on its own though.
Yeah Im still having the issue I can give u a vod of it so u can see how it looks like though
I actually figured it out that it only crashes on 3D server I believe. I believe it has to some sort of files that are causing these, not sure though.
I actually figured it out that it only crashes on 3D server I believe. I believe it has to some sort of files that are causing these, not sure though.

Server files have nothing to do with the AC

Try to do cg_drawradar 0

And see it the crash happens
I actually figured it out that it only crashes on 3D server I believe. I believe it has to some sort of files that are causing these, not sure though.
i dont think...the ac the same as guard settings...the ac maybe the same as guard look rpm folder no in base folder...because if your first time in ac or in guard the ac or guard look in rpm folder no in base folder..then go look in your rpm cfg settings and change same settings /r_subdivisions 46 /com_maxfps 250 /cg_drawradar 0 i dont remember other settings for now XD....go try this first and tell us what happend....XD
Server files have nothing to do with the AC

Try to do cg_drawradar 0

And see it the crash happens
Still happens Idk... Literally reinstalled sof like few times at that point and nothing helps even vanilla with AC crashes haha
Still happens Idk... Literally reinstalled sof like few times at that point and nothing helps even vanilla with AC crashes haha
Can you please provide us a VOD of the crash so we can figure out what happen ?
Hi bois its been a while but here it is.

Version 0.80
  • Fixed a potential memory edit vulnerability that allowed switching between first and third person views.
  • Secured some internal code caves that were possible to hook.
  • Several other changes, optimizations and improvements to the anticheat backend code.
  • Added a new lagometer.
  • Updated the killfeed message style, adding dynamic movement to the messages.
  • Additionally, in the killfeed, the names of the killers are now displayed in green, while the names of those who are killed are shown in red.
  • [H&S] Implemented effects for throwing knives, shooting a cage with m4, throwing fire and smoke grenades, and dropping a grenade.
  • Removed "Attempting to add too many miniRefEntity_t" warning spam message.
  • Added a private chat system ("/sendmsg msg") for users that are on anticheat, the server owner has to enable it first to work.
  • Added a hitmarker feature that displays a "hitmark" and plays a sound when you hit an enemy. ("/ac_hitmarker")
  • Added /aclist command, which lists all available ac commands.
  • Added /snow and /rain commands to enable weather effects on maps that support rain or snow shaders.