I am an ordinary player and I am not familiar with programming, well, that's okay. It's bad that there is no 1fx for RTCW, the structure is the same as in SOF2
Yes it is and that’s probably the best way to do itIs it possible to add this cvar to the mapcycle just to run this map ?
command "map spam"
scorelimit 1
timelimit 1
g_gametype dm
g_pickupsdisabled 0 ------------------------------------Here
g_motd "Next map is cs_assault"
Did you also enable these weapons under Config.cfg file, row with availableweapons?It looks like a problem with the 1fx mod
I checked some more maps - mp_miami, pawnshop
on the "mp_miami" - Do not spawn RPG-7 in the middle of the pool. Ammo spawns but no weapon
on the "pawnshop" map can't spawn RPG-7 too, on the roof
On a map "spam" does not spawn MM1 Grenade Launcher
In general, all heavy weapons cannot be spawned
Can this 1fx mod error be edited?