[SOF2] Mapcycle / MapRotation Need Help

I am an ordinary player and I am not familiar with programming, well, that's okay. It's bad that there is no 1fx for RTCW, the structure is the same as in SOF2
There was a problem with 1fx mod. One map problem

Copied all the information to the ent file (From the original ENT) and added music script. Music works well but weapons cannot spawn on the map

I checked if i start the map without mod 1fx, the weapon spawns fine on this map
This is an ENT file that will not spawn weapon if i use 1FX mod.
The map is called "spam" And there is only one weapon on it (As provided by the author of map) I am using DM game mode

Attached file:


  • spam.ent
    2.5 KB · Views: 5
First, this entity seems far too small to contain all map entities. Remember, you have to extract the entity from the bsp file and you can do modification on top of it, the original contents still have to stay in as well (you can modify them, but don't remove rows).

Second - add the entity to maps/gametype folder (gametype by the gametype you wish to play) and rename the entity file to map name.

So if you're speaking about swimminpool and the gametype is ctf, then the file should be in /1fx/maps/ctf/ and filename should be swimminpool.ent
I did it all correctly, I have already edited 3 maps and everything starts normally with music and in map rotation. But it is on this map that weapons cannot spawn

"this entity seems far too small to contain all map entities"
But if I run this map without mod 1fx, then the weapon spawns normally. This is a small map, there are not many objects on it and only one kind of weapon

I don't remove any rows, i just added "music" "music/spam"

i added the entity to 1fx/maps/dm - 'dm' folder I created myself, since it was not there. And the name of the ENT file is the same as that of the map - spam.ent

I've already done all this with the other three maps and everything works well except for this map.
just to be sure, what's the cvar g_pickupsdisabled value on the server? If that's 1, then pickup weapons will not appear on ground.
Is it possible to add this cvar to the mapcycle just to run this map ?


command "map spam"
scorelimit 1
timelimit 1
g_gametype dm
g_pickupsdisabled 0 ------------------------------------Here
g_motd "Next map is cs_assault"
Is it possible to add this cvar to the mapcycle just to run this map ?


command "map spam"
scorelimit 1
timelimit 1
g_gametype dm
g_pickupsdisabled 0 ------------------------------------Here
g_motd "Next map is cs_assault"
Yes it is and that’s probably the best way to do it
I checked and it didn't help.

I even wrote g_pickupsdisabled in the console at the beginning and saw that it was set to "0"

For check, I removed from the 1fx/maps/dm/spam.ent - file, and launched the map, (now turned on without music) Weapon also do not spawn with the 1fx mod enabled

If i turn off the 1fx mod, then this map works well with weapon

The most interesting thing is that with the 1fx mod enabled on this map, only one first aid kit will spawn in the middle of the map
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It looks like a problem with the 1fx mod

I checked some more maps - mp_miami, pawnshop

on the "mp_miami" - Do not spawn RPG-7 in the middle of the pool. Ammo spawns but no weapon

on the "pawnshop" map can't spawn RPG-7 too, on the roof

On a map "spam" does not spawn MM1 Grenade Launcher

In general, all heavy weapons cannot be spawned

Can this 1fx mod error be edited?
It looks like a problem with the 1fx mod

I checked some more maps - mp_miami, pawnshop

on the "mp_miami" - Do not spawn RPG-7 in the middle of the pool. Ammo spawns but no weapon

on the "pawnshop" map can't spawn RPG-7 too, on the roof

On a map "spam" does not spawn MM1 Grenade Launcher

In general, all heavy weapons cannot be spawned

Can this 1fx mod error be edited?
Did you also enable these weapons under Config.cfg file, row with availableweapons?
Not sure if that’s the case, not a lot of dm/tdm servers up
availableWeapons "200200002200000000200" change all zeros to 2 and all weapon should spawn
How enable these weapons under Config.cfg ?
Can you please in more detail where and what I need to write?

Maybe this will finally solve all my problems with the mod
you can set it in your mapcycle cvars for a specific map or just look it up in the config.cfg it is there