Rox Anticheat (Previously 1fx AC)


I did not want to make a new topic so i will post it here.
Maybe i have some ideas to improve AC.

Is it possible to change the colour of the crosshairs in 3rdperson mode?
(Green is good, but personally i use CYAN, if @Shoke can make that change, would be appreciated)

Recording gameplay during Competitive Mode
Is it possible to enable a certain CVAR that lets you automatically record a scrim and post it afterwards on DS website? Cool addition imo

Some crosshairs in 3rd don't change with size
Speaks for it self, the circle, cross and dot crosshair change but other ones don't.

Possible to enable (long) tracers in console
I will share a .pk3 which just gives long red tracer effects. Personally i like scrimming in vanilla sof but red lasers are a great addition imo. If that could be done/whitelisted would be much appreciated.

In case you guys have further (realistic) additions, let it know.

@Shoke in case you need me to test certain things after implementation i will be there.


  • Lasers Red by Shoke.pk3
    61.6 KB · Views: 28
BTW i found the the red tracer pk3 on the ds website.
If whitelisting is not possible due to to much whitelisted pk3's, you can blacklist Vipers.Matrixmod.v16 (first one listed under mods in DS website)
Can the minimizer key be changed to another key since i use a laptop and i dont have the Pause/Break key in my keyboard, if is it possible to make it to Mouse5 or 0 key
Can the minimizer key be changed to another key since i use a laptop and i dont have the Pause/Break key in my keyboard, if is it possible to make it to Mouse5 or 0 key
You can minimize by holding Ctrl and pressing Z (Ctrl+Z)

I did not want to make a new topic so i will post it here.
Maybe i have some ideas to improve AC.

Is it possible to change the colour of the crosshairs in 3rdperson mode?
(Green is good, but personally i use CYAN, if @Shoke can make that change, would be appreciated)

Recording gameplay during Competitive Mode
Is it possible to enable a certain CVAR that lets you automatically record a scrim and post it afterwards on DS website? Cool addition imo

Some crosshairs in 3rd don't change with size
Speaks for it self, the circle, cross and dot crosshair change but other ones don't.

Possible to enable (long) tracers in console
I will share a .pk3 which just gives long red tracer effects. Personally i like scrimming in vanilla sof but red lasers are a great addition imo. If that could be done/whitelisted would be much appreciated.

In case you guys have further (realistic) additions, let it know.

@Shoke in case you need me to test certain things after implementation i will be there.
The pk3 idk. Cvar for comp recording exists already (right shoke? Not sure if we added IT to 3D build yet tho) . With rest, I agree.
Blzz stoob floodin me, for months i enjoyed the peace and all of the sudden y'all want something

Good thing we got @Henkie the Mr.Gayman back again.

I probably didn't bother to change size for every 3rd crosshair, not sure about colors i think i did do something,
but i guess not.. it's not a big hassle to do that, can add it in the next version.

I will whitelist your lasers, just not right now, probably tomorrow.

I Can change minimizer too.

As for recording @Janno is right.
Blzz stoob floodin me, for months i enjoyed the peace and all of the sudden y'all want something

Good thing we got @Henkie the Mr.Gayman back again.

I probably didn't bother to change size for every 3rd crosshair, not sure about colors i think i did do something,
but i guess not.. it's not a big hassle to do that, can add it in the next version.

I will whitelist your lasers, just not right now, probably tomorrow.

I Can change minimizer too.

As for recording @Janno is right.
Thanks beech

And btw those are your lasers hhh
I've added all suggestions that you asked.

1. Compmode already exists on the client end, as for the server-part its liberty's problem for not implementing it, bother him not me.
2. Added your lasers to whitelist @Yusuf
3. @Flash i've added customizable keys for the minimizer
4. You can change colors/size for every 3rd crosshair.

Here are all possible keys:

KeyMap keyMappings[] = {
    // Function keys
    {"f1", VK_F1}, {"f2", VK_F2}, {"f3", VK_F3}, {"f4", VK_F4},
    {"f5", VK_F5}, {"f6", VK_F6}, {"f7", VK_F7}, {"f8", VK_F8},
    {"f9", VK_F9}, {"f10", VK_F10}, {"f11", VK_F11}, {"f12", VK_F12},

    // Number keys
    {"0", 0x30}, {"1", 0x31}, {"2", 0x32}, {"3", 0x33}, {"4", 0x34},
    {"5", 0x35}, {"6", 0x36}, {"7", 0x37}, {"8", 0x38}, {"9", 0x39},

    // Letter keys
    {"a", 0x41}, {"b", 0x42}, {"c", 0x43}, {"d", 0x44}, {"e", 0x45},
    {"f", 0x46}, {"g", 0x47}, {"h", 0x48}, {"i", 0x49}, {"j", 0x4A},
    {"k", 0x4B}, {"l", 0x4C}, {"m", 0x4D}, {"n", 0x4E}, {"o", 0x4F},
    {"p", 0x50}, {"q", 0x51}, {"r", 0x52}, {"s", 0x53}, {"t", 0x54},
    {"u", 0x55}, {"v", 0x56}, {"w", 0x57}, {"x", 0x58}, {"y", 0x59},
    {"z", 0x5A},

    // Numpad keys
    {"numpad0", VK_NUMPAD0}, {"numpad1", VK_NUMPAD1}, {"numpad2", VK_NUMPAD2},
    {"numpad3", VK_NUMPAD3}, {"numpad4", VK_NUMPAD4}, {"numpad5", VK_NUMPAD5},
    {"numpad6", VK_NUMPAD6}, {"numpad7", VK_NUMPAD7}, {"numpad8", VK_NUMPAD8},
    {"numpad9", VK_NUMPAD9}, {"numpad*", VK_MULTIPLY}, {"numpad+", VK_ADD},
    {"numpad-", VK_SUBTRACT}, {"numpad.", VK_DECIMAL}, {"numpad/", VK_DIVIDE},

    // Special keys
    {"backspace", VK_BACK}, {"tab", VK_TAB}, {"enter", VK_RETURN},
    {"shift", VK_SHIFT}, {"ctrl", VK_CONTROL}, {"alt", VK_MENU},
    {"pause", VK_PAUSE}, {"capslock", VK_CAPITAL}, {"esc", VK_ESCAPE},
    {"space", VK_SPACE}, {"pageup", VK_PRIOR}, {"pagedown", VK_NEXT},
    {"end", VK_END}, {"home", VK_HOME}, {"left", VK_LEFT},
    {"up", VK_UP}, {"right", VK_RIGHT}, {"down", VK_DOWN},
    {"printscreen", VK_PRINT}, {"insert", VK_INSERT}, {"delete", VK_DELETE},

    // Windows keys
    {"lwin", VK_LWIN}, {"rwin", VK_RWIN},

    // Misc keys
    {";", VK_OEM_1}, {"=", VK_OEM_PLUS}, {",", VK_OEM_COMMA},
    {"-", VK_OEM_MINUS}, {".", VK_OEM_PERIOD}, {"/", VK_OEM_2},
    {"`", VK_OEM_3}, {"[", VK_OEM_4}, {"\\", VK_OEM_5},
    {"]", VK_OEM_6}, {"'", VK_OEM_7},

    {NULL, 0}

You will be able to change the key by typing in console ac_minimizeKey "1" or "pause" or w/e.

This will be available in the next release, date is unknown for now.

And since i'm not the only developer anymore, @Henkie is a part of it again, if you guys have any suggestions let us know.
Last edited:
Ok now make my guid as : ItalYg0d
jk thanks man appreciate it A - LOT
Now we wait for the next AC version that will come out mid May next year? hhh
I've added all suggestions that you asked.

1. Compmode already exists on the client end, as for the server-part its liberty's problem for not implementing it, bother him not me.
2. Added your lasers to whitelist @Yusuf
3. @Flash i've added customizable keys for the minimizer
4. You can change colors/size for every 3rd crosshair.

Here are all possible keys:

KeyMap keyMappings[] = {
    // Function keys
    {"f1", VK_F1}, {"f2", VK_F2}, {"f3", VK_F3}, {"f4", VK_F4},
    {"f5", VK_F5}, {"f6", VK_F6}, {"f7", VK_F7}, {"f8", VK_F8},
    {"f9", VK_F9}, {"f10", VK_F10}, {"f11", VK_F11}, {"f12", VK_F12},

    // Number keys
    {"0", 0x30}, {"1", 0x31}, {"2", 0x32}, {"3", 0x33}, {"4", 0x34},
    {"5", 0x35}, {"6", 0x36}, {"7", 0x37}, {"8", 0x38}, {"9", 0x39},

    // Letter keys
    {"a", 0x41}, {"b", 0x42}, {"c", 0x43}, {"d", 0x44}, {"e", 0x45},
    {"f", 0x46}, {"g", 0x47}, {"h", 0x48}, {"i", 0x49}, {"j", 0x4A},
    {"k", 0x4B}, {"l", 0x4C}, {"m", 0x4D}, {"n", 0x4E}, {"o", 0x4F},
    {"p", 0x50}, {"q", 0x51}, {"r", 0x52}, {"s", 0x53}, {"t", 0x54},
    {"u", 0x55}, {"v", 0x56}, {"w", 0x57}, {"x", 0x58}, {"y", 0x59},
    {"z", 0x5A},

    // Numpad keys
    {"numpad0", VK_NUMPAD0}, {"numpad1", VK_NUMPAD1}, {"numpad2", VK_NUMPAD2},
    {"numpad3", VK_NUMPAD3}, {"numpad4", VK_NUMPAD4}, {"numpad5", VK_NUMPAD5},
    {"numpad6", VK_NUMPAD6}, {"numpad7", VK_NUMPAD7}, {"numpad8", VK_NUMPAD8},
    {"numpad9", VK_NUMPAD9}, {"numpad*", VK_MULTIPLY}, {"numpad+", VK_ADD},
    {"numpad-", VK_SUBTRACT}, {"numpad.", VK_DECIMAL}, {"numpad/", VK_DIVIDE},

    // Special keys
    {"backspace", VK_BACK}, {"tab", VK_TAB}, {"enter", VK_RETURN},
    {"shift", VK_SHIFT}, {"ctrl", VK_CONTROL}, {"alt", VK_MENU},
    {"pause", VK_PAUSE}, {"capslock", VK_CAPITAL}, {"esc", VK_ESCAPE},
    {"space", VK_SPACE}, {"pageup", VK_PRIOR}, {"pagedown", VK_NEXT},
    {"end", VK_END}, {"home", VK_HOME}, {"left", VK_LEFT},
    {"up", VK_UP}, {"right", VK_RIGHT}, {"down", VK_DOWN},
    {"printscreen", VK_PRINT}, {"insert", VK_INSERT}, {"delete", VK_DELETE},

    // Windows keys
    {"lwin", VK_LWIN}, {"rwin", VK_RWIN},

    // Misc keys
    {";", VK_OEM_1}, {"=", VK_OEM_PLUS}, {",", VK_OEM_COMMA},
    {"-", VK_OEM_MINUS}, {".", VK_OEM_PERIOD}, {"/", VK_OEM_2},
    {"`", VK_OEM_3}, {"[", VK_OEM_4}, {"\\", VK_OEM_5},
    {"]", VK_OEM_6}, {"'", VK_OEM_7},

    {NULL, 0}

You will be able to change the key by typing in console ac_minimizeKey "1" or "pause" or w/e.

This will be available in the next release, date is unknown for now.

And since i'm not the only developer anymore, @Henkie is a part of it again, if you guys have any suggestions let us know.
You guys are awesome 😍
Ok now make my guid as : ItalYg0d
jk thanks man appreciate it A - LOT
Now we wait for the next AC version that will come out mid May next year? hhh
you can ask fairplay for that guid they’re full of italy bots and inf wall huggers kekw
This is more of a hotpatch release,¸ I was "forced" to push this release out. There are internal changes pending in the background but are not ready for the release yet. i wouldn't have released this version if it wasn't for the wallhack fix.

Version 0.81
  • Fixed a vulnerability that allowed potential use of a wallhack exploit via .pk3 shader manipulation
  • Fixed not being able to change 3rd crosshair color and the size of certain crosshair
  • You can now set a custom key for the minimizer, by using ac_minimizeKey "keyname" for pause key you would write "pause"

@Dracula` @Morad @otherEgys do your thing in netcafes.

@Flash You can now set it to a custom key, use ac_minimizeKey "key"
Why tf did i not know that...
How does this work? Asking for a friend...

hhhhh jk

For some weird reason the pk3 hack that was already blocked somehow worked in netcafe of egys (? lol)

But there was something else before that

With Henkie we had a fix already pending in the background, as it was possible to bypass the shaders check if the file wasnt present, the ac would not detect it.
For some weird reason the pk3 hack that was already blocked somehow worked in netcafe of egys (? lol)

But there was something else before that

With Henkie we had a fix already pending in the background, as it was possible to bypass the shaders check if the file wasnt present, the ac would not detect it.