thx kid :$I remember att1x from aT days, but that was 2014, would make you 9 year old and att1x was like 20 back then wasnt he
You are rodrygo now anyways and active so poll has been open, you will get your result in 10 days from now.
PablooooYess bro.. he is active
Sull a5oyaGood luck + active
see in the apply and u will know..Who are you
thx a5oya>3good luck
first time seeing yousee in the apply and u will know..
any way, i'm good playerfirst time seeing you
thx for ur opnion..bad luck
thank u man <3goodluck
Np I'm still to active and thx for ur opinion..I have already seen you active but not too much I suggest to be more active so let is get to know you first.....
And then make apply