Rodrygo @ join


Personal information:

Name: Abdullah Abuzaid

Age: 17

Sof information:

Current Sof name: rOdrygo*

Old Sof name(s): att1x

Gametacker :

General information:
When did you start to play Sof? 2016

When did you become active in 3D?for along time.

Were you admin in any other H&S server before? AT- RX

Do you know persons in-real that play SOF2? a lot of ppl

Do you play from home? aha

Why should we let you join?bec I'll play active and be a good with all, love all ppl, talk good with adm, a lot of Member love me bec I'm a good person and don't make any bad behave and will be good, don't do any abuse play for fun - help all not be a bad with anyone, I'm know I'm not active bec I'm have a job for get more money because I'm in Secondery school and need money for learn but no problem I'm will be a good and active, don't worry I'm now all rules and love all ppl, all ppl love me ;d, and thx for reading my apply..!:)

Do you think there is anything that we could improve? If so, how can we improve that? help all ppl not be a bad, I'm know how to talk with anyone don't do anyabuse.. thx!

Additional information: thanks..!

I'm know I'm not active bec I'm have job... but I will try to active and I'm hope to join..
I remember att1x from aT days, but that was 2014, would make you 9 year old and att1x was like 20 back then wasnt he

You are rodrygo now anyways and active so poll has been open, you will get your result in 10 days from now.