
Yes, they have admin without an application.
But we have never seen any problems or abuse from them towards anyone else.
It's good to see and meet new people.
We always welcome everyone.
this is good because there are people who are not active and we want people who are very active
Yes, they have admin without an application.
But we have never seen any problems or abuse from them towards anyone else.
It's good to see and meet new people.
We always welcome everyone.
and this is good because there are pe
like @hotway @GREECE @Cucklord @OuweGeit*
Ouwegeit has never left 3D, just because you weren’t born yet when he was already in, doesn’t matter we can’t invite him back. Greece has been a great guy in the meantime even although 24/7 capslock is interesting. I don’t agree with hotway being back tho because there was a legit reason for kicking him…
Ο Ouwegeit δεν έφυγε ποτέ από το 3D, μόνο και μόνο επειδή δεν είχες γεννηθεί ακόμα όταν ήταν ήδη μέσα, δεν πειράζει δεν μπορούμε να τον προσκαλέσουμε πίσω. Η Ελλάδα ήταν ένας υπέροχος τύπος στο μεταξύ, παρόλο που το 24/7 capslock είναι ενδιαφέρον. Δεν συμφωνώ με την επιστροφή του hotway γιατί υπήρχε εύλογος λόγος να τον κλωτσήσω…