//Sullivan @ Application


Personal information:
Name: Abdulrahman
Country: 16

SoF2 information:
Current SoF2 name: //Sullivan
Old SoF2 name(s): Abdu
Gametracker profile: I don't have an account for this

General information:
When did you start to play SoF2? 2014

When did you become active in 3D? for me age

Were you admin in any other H&S server before? no

Do you know persons in real life that play SoF2? yeah lots

Do you play from home? yep

Why should we let you join? I am active and know the rules well and I love everyone and respect everyone too and follow me while I play because they say I am a hacker and thank you

Do you think there is anything need improve? No

Additional information:
Your first appearance in the server was 3 days ago so you have to be active first and then submit an apply
have you been playing with another name before?