mosha application-


Personal information:
Name: Belal
Country: Egypt abu zaabel

Sof information:
Current Sof name: MoshA

Old Sof name(s): I don't remember

Gametracker profile:

General information:
When did you start to play Sof? 2015

When did you become active in 3D? some days ago

Were you admin in any other H&S server before? aT

Do you know persons in real life that play SOF2? Yes

Do you play from home? Yes: I play from home but most of the time I play at the net cafe

Why do we let you join? I am very active in both the forum and the game as well and am online all the time but sometimes I hide my account. (Invisible) So I like this server very much and I am fun to join a 3D team and I live in friendship with other players, be it moderators or regular players, and I see no reason for refusal this time. Please don't hate, be calm and don't argue with me I'm inactive because I know very well new members will say, MoshA Not yet active, I have been playing 3D since Drky Leader was. But I used to hate being a honor and this nonsense because I was just playing entertainment now I like to be part of this historic team.

Do you think there is anything need improve? Yes, I see that the server needs a stab map and sniper map, that's for me, and thanks a lot for reading my request.

Additional information: Not really