

Personal information:

SoF2 information:
Current SoF2 name: .Marco`
Old SoF2 name(s):None
Gametracker profile

General information:
When did you start to play SoF2? 2016

When did you become active in 3D? 2 month

Were you admin in any other H&S server before? AT

Do you know persons in real life that play SoF2? Yeah

Do you play from home? Yes

Why should we let you join?Because I like 3D and do not answer any other server, I am active and good, and I know how to speak English, and I hope to be accepted Thank you all <3

Do you think there is anything we could improve?no

Additional information:Thank you
You are not active on the server, I clearly told you to be active for a month and then apply, we know you are bulldozer lil bro but you're unkown, you are very annoying asking me to open a poll for you in the game and forum, also u copied your apply.
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