mahrez @ join

Personal information:

Name: Mohammed Abu donia

Age: 17

Sof information:

Current Sof name: .M a h r e z`

Old Sof name(s): none

Gametacker :`

General information:
When did you start to play Sof? 2015

When did you become active in 3D?2 month

Were you admin in any other H&S server before? rx - bts

Do you know persons in-real that play SOF2? all ppl

Do you play from home? YES

Why should we let you join?because i want to join for help other's and help all ppl not hate 1 love all ppl and will not make any abuse not make any wrong will be good player, and will help all ppl not do anything, quiet and, ana good when i'm accepted i'm will very happy and not do any thing wrong, thx for reading this apply anD Iam wait good - nice comment about this app<3

Do you think there is anything that we could improve? If so, how can we improve that? help others will be good with all....

Additional information: thankss

i'm very active and will be more active when i'm accepted
for now i will lock your application because as i can see all said your behaviour so shit and also play with wh

So i will open application for you when that happens

1_You have 30 Day from now to change your behaviour
2_ Play with guard

3_ try to improve your English