Introducing the biggest update SoF2 has ever seen...

fix being able to choose skins and the admin prefixes.

everything just feels so unnatural

Slight exageration, my bad.

Prefixes as in "Admin" instead of "Member"
That stuff and the part where u cant choose skins. That doesnt bother me too much, however it just feels weird when someone with a "hider skin" kills you, even though they're on blue team
Slight exageration, my bad.

Prefixes as in "Admin" instead of "Member"
That stuff and the part where u cant choose skins. That doesnt bother me too much, however it just feels weird when someone with a "hider skin" kills you, even though they're on blue team
It has been fixed
Last edited:
Prefixes as in "Admin" instead of "Member"
if this was ‘all unnatural’ then you’re a clown lmao
and your 2 very huge points are solved. Skins through additional code and prefixes by just configuration….
Newest version up.

We should be close to a fully functional mod. If you’re seeing something is missing or wrong, lmk.

Release also available on GitHub:
For windows release: vc redist is probably needed
For windows debug: pls install visual studio community - that has the needed libs
For Linux: use ldd to find out needed packages. But pthreads, libbacktrace (for debug) and curl should be the ones which are needed.
seek can kill player after round ends
Doesn’t affect anything tho - rpg and m4 timings are saved when your hands go up and so does your scores. But sure can fix it