Introducing prophunt


why let your life be controlled by fairytales
Staff member

I guess it has been a long time coming (over a year if not more?). But we seem to be here now. Do note that this gametype can have bugs which I haven't spotted out yet (and would like you to report them here). Also any sort of feedback is also welcome.

Game plays out like h&s without weapons. Players turn into props, seekers search, either they win by killing or hiders win by time.
No weapons, seekers have a small speed boost (because props are hard to find, depending on the prop).

There are 116 props, some of them are great small objects (like e.g. ribcage), some of them are huge (trees, rocket).

You can use reload key to lock yourself in place (so you can move around with mouse but your model will not move).

Model movement will seem slightly choppy and that is because there's no prediction done for these models - their position will be set every time the game module gets a frame from you.
Also you will see yourself while in a model, but others will not see you.

All the best,

Improvement needs:

* Occasionally some players don't turn into props at all (which is a wtf case) - needs more analysis, potential fix committed.
* When seekers win after timelimit has been reached, the game doesn't end. fixed
* Player disconnecting doesn't remove the model. fixed
* Make the props more random Should be fine now.