How to add a bouncepad..


Hey guys. First post here.. sorry if not following rules or conventions.

I'm trying to add a bouncepad or jump pad via trigger_push and target_position to mp_shop.

Saw this in the sourcecode:

/*QUAKED trigger_push (.5 .5 .5) ?
Must point at a target_position, which will be the apex of the leap.
This will be client side predicted, unlike target_push

However having issues modifing the ent file and getting the server to accept it..

I'd like to have it so people can join on an unmodded client.

Appreciate any helpful direction.
That how jump pad work you need to do like that and add model for jump pad

"classname" "misc_bsp"
"bspmodel" "instances/kamchatka/npc_jump1"
"origin" "1053 782 537"
"angles" "0 180 0"

"classname" "trigger_multiple"
"target" "jump_pad1"
"model" "*"
"origin" "1053 782 537"
"classname" "target_push"
"origin" "1053 782 537"
"targetname" "jump_pad1"
"target" "jump_pad1_exit"
"classname" "target_position"
"origin" "1053 782 547"
"targetname" "jump_pad1_exit"