

3D # Lovely!
Personal information:

Name: abdelrahman

Country: Egypt

SoF2 information:

Current SoF2 name: delezia.lg

Old SoF2 name(s): ZagrossS

Gametracker profile:

General information:
When did you start to play Sof? 2017

When did you become active in 3D? 1month

Were you admin in any other H&S server before? BTS - Gl

Do you know persons in-real that play SOF2? all sof2

Do you play from home? Yes:")

Why should we let you join?because i'm Polite and i'm talk good with adm and can handle admin but give and all will see what i do, HELP PLAYER - advise them and i'm lovely person and all player love me, and ask anyone who delezia.lg in server and will know, and i love all player in SOF2 and not hate anyone, and i don't make BLOCK - ABUSE and i can to help others , know rules and i know what should to do in server and i will be good with player and thanks for see.i don't make blocker.i love all players and all players know me.i know rules,i love players I like players who obey the rules because i'm Polite and i'm talk good with adm and can handle admin but give and all will see what i do, HELP PLAYER - advise them and i'm lovely person and all player love me, and ask anyone who delezia.lg in server and will know, and i love all player in SOF2 and not hate anyone, - ABUSE and i can to help others,read this app.:)) and ilove the 3d-server <3 :))

Do you think there is anything that we could improve? If so, how can we improve that? for help new player how to make acc in forums tell them.

Additional information: thanks all :)
you speak english dude? i try talk to you in server and nothing you only speak in arabic then stay in the server for one map then go to another server
How is this an insult, explain in english or arabic and somebody translate for me.

How am i a foreigner? a foreigner is a person from a different than your own. So that makes most people in 3d foreigners to eachother lmao, unless you are saying 3d is completely Egyptian? The universal language is english in 3D.

I couldn't care less if you liked me or not, i cant control how somebody else feels, thats on you.
Fellatio you dont understand what I asked, dont comment on something your dont understand, this is for delezia to respond to not you.