cleopatra apply new


Personal information:
Name: Abdullh Al Sadat
Country: Egypt ( abu zaabel )

Sof information:
Current Sof name: CeloPatra

Old Sof name(s): I don't remember

Gametracker profile: I don't have

General information:
When did you start to play Sof? 2015

When did you become active in 3D? some days ago

Were you admin in any other H&S server before? aT

Do you know persons in real life that play SOF2? Yes: Sadat - |KAKASHI| - ZelZal - Franzy - muten - Islam - `gAnzO. - .P i x e l . - SuunDera

Do you play from home? Yes: I play from home but most of the time I play at the net cafe

Why do we let you join? I like this server very much and am fun to join a 3D team and live in friendship with other players, be they moderators or regular players, and I see no reason for refusal this time. Please don't hate it, keep calm I'm not active yet I've been playing 3D since Drky Leader was. In the name of Comedy, and .Vayres.Man` but I have been playing entertainment now I would love to be part of this historical team.

Do you think there is anything need improve? Yes, I see that the server needs a stab map and sniper map, that's for me, and thanks a lot for reading my request.

Additional information: Not really