application hehulk


The Dangerous
Personal information:

Name: Khaled

Sof information:

Current Sof name: .hehulk` :cool:

Old Sof name(s):none

Gametracker profile:`/

General information:

When did you start to play Sof? In 2016

When did you become active in 3D? 1years

Were you admin in any other H&S server before? yes AT#Hide&Seek

Do you know persons in-real that play SOF2?

Do you play from home? Yep & netcafe

Why should we let you join? I love 3d server I want to be part of 3d family I know rules well, I will try to follow it and I will try to keep server clean without any i want to join, and then i'm active for 24 hours and play clean without wallhack and speak English well, and then i don't insult anyone

Do you think there is anything need improve? Yes, must back old maps

Additional information: