Anticheat Demo Recording


Whiskey, boats and music
I've noticed that many people aren't aware of this feature,¸ or simply don't know how to use it and rather use screenshots instead of demo recording. Don't get me wrong making a screenshot of someone is a nice way of knowing if someone is cheating, but you will be on safer side when doing demo recording of someone. So this is a simple tutorial on how to use the demo recording feature.

لقد لاحظت أن العديد من الأشخاص لا يعرفون هذه الميزة، أو ببساطة لا يعرفون كيفية استخدامها ويفضلون استخدام لقطات الشاشة بدلاً من التسجيل التجريبي. لا تفهموني خطأ، إن التقاط لقطة شاشة لشخص ما هو طريقة لطيفة لمعرفة ما إذا كان شخص ما يخونك، ولكنك ستكون في الجانب الآمن عند إجراء تسجيل تجريبي لشخص ما. لذلك هذا برنامج تعليمي بسيط حول كيفية استخدام ميزة التسجيل التجريبي.

- To Record another player type in console
لتسجيل لاعب آخر، اكتب في وحدة console
/ac_record <id of player> <minutes>

So if i wanted to record dracula as an example i would specify /ac_record 13 1 which will start to Record Dracula for 1 minute.
لذلك إذا أردت تسجيل دراكولا كمثال سأحدد /ac_record 13 1 والذي سيبدأ في تسجيل دراكولا لمدة دقيقة واحدة.


If you don't specify the "minutes" parameter, it will automatically record for 5 minutes.
إذا لم تقم بتحديد معلمة "الدقائق"، فسيتم التسجيل تلقائيًا لمدة 5 دقائق.

If you have /cg_killfeed cvar disabled, then you will see a countdown timer of demo recording for that person:
إذا قمت بتعطيل /cg_killfeed cvar، فسوف ترى مؤقتًا للعد التنازلي للتسجيل التجريبي لهذا الشخص:

When recording is done you will get notified:
عند الانتهاء من التسجيل، سيتم إعلامك:

If you want to view the demo of the player, you type in the console:
إذا كنت ترغب في عرض العرض التوضيحي للاعب، فاكتب في وحدة console:
/ac_demos <guid>

So in dracula's case it would be /ac_demos 333
لذلك في حالة دراكولا سيكون /ac_demos 333

Now to play the demo, you type in the console
الآن لتشغيل العرض التوضيحي، اكتب في console
/ac_play 21

Note: Once you do that You will be disconnected from the current server and connected to a "local" server to view the demo.

ملاحظة: بمجرد القيام بذلك، سيتم قطع اتصالك بالخادم الحالي واتصالك بخادم "local" لعرض العرض التوضيحي.

If you no longer want to view the demo recording, to disconnect then you just type in console /disconnect or you wait till the recording is done.

إذا لم تعد ترغب في مشاهدة التسجيل التجريبي، لقطع الاتصال، فما عليك سوى كتابة في console /disconnect أو الانتظار حتى يتم التسجيل.

As mentioned above this method provides a much safer way of inspecting a player's movements behavior, and actions. If you're suspicious of a player but can't quite figure it out this feature allows you to "replay" their actions and movements, providing a clearer understanding of their gameplay.

كما هو مذكور أعلاه، توفر هذه الطريقة طريقة أكثر أمانًا لفحص سلوك حركات اللاعب وأفعاله. إذا كنت تشك في أحد اللاعبين ولكنك لا تستطيع فهم الأمر تمامًا، فإن هذه الميزة تتيح لك "إعادة تشغيل" أفعاله وحركاته، مما يوفر فهمًا أوضح لطريقة اللعب الخاصة به.

Thnx dracula for egy translation
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well, seems like regular recording (/record) works better on this 2.1 rpm or idk why.
but i cant seem to find out how to spec other players on this .
Must be, the ac installed on their pc is the software that record their screen same as bandicam and upload demo to ac database
And people ask me why don't you use AC anymore. (No hate to the software and the maker(s) it is a really good implementation ngl)
And people ask me why don't you use AC anymore. (No hate to the software and the maker(s) it is a really good implementation ngl)
Ah yes because windows is not doing any shady shit and is not collecting any data you search.

Please spare me your stupid comments.

And no there is no “external” recording, the way recording works it uses the internal demo recording, provided by the game itself when the recording is done it then gets uploaded to the web server.

Obviously you cant record someone when they are not on AC, you can only record yourself.
Ah yes because windows is not doing any shady shit and is not collecting any data you search.

Please spare me your stupid comments.

And no there is no “external” recording, the way recording works it uses the internal demo recording, provided by the game itself when the recording is done it then gets uploaded to the web server.

Obviously you cant record someone when they are not on AC, you can only record yourself.
on pervious rpm demo recording (2.0, i guess its related to rpm version),
you could switch players on record, so you could examine diffrent views.
non depend on live actions by the recorder.

with my ac client - such thing doesnt work. it shows only actions based on real time happned on record.
i guess ac recording are diffrent (limited), compared to demo playback .
first time see this. this is mad who made this.

Basically almost the same as shown in the first post, just this is an ui.

Maybe a thing or two not included in there.
as i cant switch player.
but i found out you can run demo from 2.1 (ac) , on rpm 2.0 (without ac client) and play it there.
althouh it triggers some unexpected results of things , but still good.
Ah yes because windows is not doing any shady shit and is not collecting any data you search.
Due to this comment, i throw my Iphone 14 out of the window. Smashed my Windows laptop to pieces with the help of a hammer with your face on it. Switched to a android based phone without a mic/camera installed whilst using the "skye" OS on the phone, bought (stolen) an old Lenovo laptop and installed Tails OS on it to be INCOGNITO !

jk mate