3D# Forums Default Theme

What should be 3D# Forums default theme?

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When i added dark theme only few noticed that it exists because the style chooser button is very pushed to the bottom of the website, but dark theme is more pleasing/healthy for our eyes so i thought why not give dark theme a chance and make it the default theme or if you are someone who use discord light theme just vote for light theme bruh

Style Chooser

Click here to see dark theme

Click here to see light theme

Or you can change your current theme from the style chooser button in the very bottom of this website.

Anyway i added some buttons to change your theme at the forums navbar, perhaps it would be easier to be seen now.
dark theme way better, i use it on all platforms, is cooler and sleek.
you don’t change the default theme or I remove your admin rights from forums

every time someone has done that it has been a shitfest as soon as I upgrade the forum software because of outdated modules in the theme, that’s why the default theme is default
you don’t change the default theme or I remove your admin rights from forums

every time someone has done that it has been a shitfest as soon as I upgrade the forum software because of outdated modules in the theme, that’s why the default theme is default
no one care.
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Dark mode may reduce eye strain.
If you have been browsing the site for a long time,
In theory, it is easier to read on your device. Since reading for extended periods of time on a screen can lead to eye fatigue and dryness, it seems worth trying to give your eyes a break.