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Personal information:

SoF2 information:
Current SoF2 name:.sw2 rooney.
Old SoF2 name(s):Xrooney.3d#demos
Gametracker profile:

Player seen on 1 Server
Player seen on 1 SOF2 Server

General information:
When did you start to play SoF2?2017

When did you become active in 3D?2018

Were you admin in any other H&S server before?in tp and 3D

Do you know persons in real life that play SoF2?yes .OF course

Do you play from home?yes but some time go to net cafe when my internet disconnects

Why should we let you join? BECOUSE me old here and know all rules and know all players and me not use hack and can speak english and me active but i will be active then more i want back becouse is my home and i will be active again

Do you think there is anything we could improve? 2 AND in game why all players can play cage this eag if all can play cage why we won can me join sepc and dwon when cage start ?? .and thank you

Additional information:yes 1dmin a.I went to the net cafe when the internet was broken and there were players who stole my and I m not connected anymore and I want to go back again . and me not made abuser
You have been kicked recently. I don't know what decision can be made in your application, but you should wait some time or talk to Staff and tell him the problem that occurred with your admin.
Ofc I have no saying in this, however if what u said is true and u can proof it, in my oppinion you should get another chance, restart at trial perhaps? And tbh I dont recommend going to netcafe's if u have a pc at home or at family's place. I've heard of enough netcafe's in turkey that steal ur data
DENIED, you got kicked due to sharing pass also you should be active atleast to apply again, you can apply again in 2 months.
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