Robinho @ apply


Country: Egypt

Current SoF2 name: Robinho'

Old SoF2 name(s):none

Anticheat guide:4a1258b

Gametracker profile:

General information:
When did you start to play SoF2?2020

When did you become active in 3D?2023

Were you admin in any other H&S server before?3MX

Do you know persons in real life that play SoF2? yeah

Do you play from home?netcafe

Why should we let you join?
made this application because I love this server and I want to be a moderator there and I want an opportunity from you, my friends, and I know the English language very well and I know many friends there on the server and I love this server because it is very good and I love those in the server and I wanted an opportunity for you You know I understand and thank you very much

Do you think there is any
thing we could improve?No
Application copied from neclas join
Copying applications from other players is not allowed.

If you really want to apply to our team, you need to write something of your own instead of copying something made by others.


Best Regards,
3D # Team