Promotion a la shazzcutard


3D# Leader
Staff member
Yeah, so the title might ring a bell to who it conserns. This fucktard really used to be a pain in the ass. Applying for admin and getting himself kicked over and over again. In the whole history of 3D, there hasnt been anyone who had more chances to redeem himself. 4Head And redeem himself he did. I remember us saying, he will never get a new chance again. Yet here we are today. Proudly promoting our newest general.

We often get questions like, what do i have to do to get a promotion in our community. Thats a question that actually has a simple answer. Be commited to our community, be respectable towards others, find ways to help the community going forward, make egybt box maps and most of all, earn trust by showing maturity and leadership.

So Dracula, After all this shit we have had with u in the past, you can be proud of urself by getting promoted to our next general. We thank you for your time spent in our community and look forward to be giving you Rconpass and making fun of u in our group app.:Q

Note: Use your powers wisely. Only i have a free abuse pass. :Q

3D # Staff
Congratz omkcula you really deserve it, well done! As I told you before, many times.. everything in this life comes at the right time.