Information about applying

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why let your life be controlled by fairytales
Staff member

Thanks to us losing also our member list, not having the desired level of activity and so on, we decided that as soon as we have moved to the new VPS, we will start recruiting members without applications for the time being, with the prerequisite being that you have to register to the forums.

What that means, is that if you have registered in the forums and one of the staff members decides that you might be useful for us and you want to get in, you get to trial admin level no questions asked. We will still monitor how you do on your trial level, based on your performance, your trial period will range from 1 week up until 1 month. After the trial period or when we've got enough clarity, we will make the decision whether to add you as a member or remove you from trials.

Happy gaming!

Personal information:

Sof information:
Current Sof name:
Old Sof name(s):
Gametracker profile:

General information:
When did you start to play Sof?

When did you become active in 3D?

Were you admin in any other H&S server before?

Do you know persons in-real that play SOF2?

Do you play from home?

Why should we let you join?

Do you think there is anything need improve? ----------- i can not remember it correctly

Additional information:
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