

Personal information :

name : ahmed

country : egypt

Sof2 Information :

Current Sof2 name : general`

old sof2 name : none

Anticheat guide: a5f46472

Gametracker profile:
General informaiton :

When did you start to play SoF2? 2013

When did you become active in 3D? 2 month

Were you admin in any other H&S server before? ye aT

Do you know persons in real life that play SoF2? ye alot of - henry my brother

Do you play from home? ye

Why should we let you join? because i enjoy playing on server and i have enough abilities to get a admin and ik the rules well and i want to get a chance to prove my worth

Do you thnik there is anything we could improve ? nah
i've opened a poll for you, it will take 10 days (2024-09-26) to get a result. be active more goodluck

tips: use AC always because this improves your chances
Personal information :

name : ahmed

country : egypt

Sof2 Information :

Current Sof2 name : general`

old sof2 name : none

Anticheat guide: a5f46472

Gametracker profile:
General informaiton :

When did you start to play SoF2? 2013

When did you become active in 3D? 2 month

Were you admin in any other H&S server before? ye aT

Do you know persons in real life that play SoF2? ye alot of - henry my brother

Do you play from home? ye

Why should we let you join? because i enjoy playing on server and i have enough abilities to get a admin and ik the rules well and i want to get a chance to prove my worth

Do you thnik there is anything we could improve ? nah
good luck son @general`