`gAnzO. @ Want to Join again

Personal information:
Name: Mohamed
Country: Egypt

Sof information:
Current Sof name: `gAnzO.

Old Sof name(s):i dont have old sof2 name

Gametracker profile:https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/`gAnzO.

General information:
When did you start to play Sof?2011

When did you become active in 3D?i was active in 3D at the past but if you want when i come active now i think 4 months

Were you admin in any other H&S server before? aT

Do you know persons in real life that play SOF2? Yes: i know KAKASHI-Lazora_RSL # Ahmed-Xaviera_Frenzy_Hixon-Devil_ and a lot of friends

Do you play from home? Yes: I play from home but most of the time I play at the net cafe

Why do we let you join? i think because i good player and i know a lot of admin here and because iam active in the server andi play in the server because 3D have good maps and have nice Members and i want to became admin here because i love 3D and because i was have admin in the server

Do you think there is anything need improve? no,i dont think this server dont need to improve
Additional information: :)