alastora @Applicatin

Alastora 1



Name: Ahmed

Country: Egy pt

sof2 information:

Current sof2 Name:Alastora*

Old sof2 Name(S):No

Anticheat guide: 9b9cbdb5

GameTracker profile:*/

General information:

When did you start to Play sof2? 7 years

When did you become active in 3D? 4 years

Were You Admin in any other H&S Server before? No

Do You Know Persons in real life That Play sof2? yeah

Do You Play from Home? Yes

Why should we let you join?Hello my dear friends, I have introduced myself to You and i hope to succed in This endeavor. i will tell You about my abilities. I am active and i am good at The English language, but Not as good as siren. I would like from The bottom of my heart to succed in This endeavor. Thank you all.

Do You Think There is anything we could improve 3d? no 3d goood

Additional information


I am active and i am good at The English language, but Not as good as siren.

ngl this is cap, i think this apply was all made with translation by the way its writen, but i give you an extra point for the effort tho

anyways, in my opinion, I think the reasons you gave in this question are basically what most people say…

being good at english (when we both know that this isn't entirely true) and the issue of being active arent really reasons why we should accept you, but rather a requirement for you to apply

y’all have to understand that the last questions on the apply are what really set you apart from the other candidates, and they are the ones that require the most effort. its not the question about your name, your country, or whether if you know someone outside the game

if you dont really provide an answer that makes the 3D team understand that you will make a difference, the applications will probably continue to be rejected, no matter how visually appealing they are

but that's just my opinion tho, as someone reviewing things from this side

Also i’ve noticed that @Dracula` denied your last apply in 6th september and told you to be active for 2 weeks and then re-apply.

Since we’re at 14th september, you are only able to re-apply in one week ( 20th september )

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