

Whiskey, boats and music
Meh.. nobody uses fp anymore, i don't have time to play either. Stumbled up on this file, so i'm just going to share it.

Only works for WIN10 (possibly 7, not sure due to WINAPI hooks). Sorry egys, cba to do a XP version.

If you think that this could be somekind of a malware or whatever, then analyze the files yourself, if you can't well.. then take it or leave it simple as that.

Ah and pls don't pm me if this doesn't work for you. Cba to deal with that too.
Ah alright thought you shared yours already but that was before burndown probs.

Good to have this publicly available tbf because people still put blind trust in this trash.
Ah alright thought you shared yours already but that was before burndown probs.

Good to have this publicly available tbf because people still put blind trust in this trash.
I'm not aware (maybe i forgot) that i ever released this version to the public. I sent it to few people over PM here on forums. Only thing that was ever public was this shitty cheatengine trainer from 2013 and honestly this is the only thing that egys will use. This Bypass actually requires a brain to have. If i remember good, sometimes it failed (not sure if i fixed the issue, i do remember doing something about it) to inject the code into FP So you had to try it one or two times. basically it injected it too fast before fp could even start - this can be noticed if fairplay starts to examine packets which it shudn't, it should immediately jump straight into the game..
imagine sharing toggle-able wh big noops

anyway here is a link for windows 10 fp bypass Download i made with Qt3
Last edited:
I have this one.


I just remembered about this topic might as well share pieces of the source code itself now.. DEAD GAME.. AMIRITE?

void (WINAPIV* ConsoleCMD)(const char*, char) = (void (WINAPIV*)(const char*, char))0x444380;

static  BYTE EnableWh[] = { 0x81, 0xCF, 0x88, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
static  BYTE DisableWh[] = { 0x81, 0xCF, 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };

static BYTE shownormalsON[] = { 0x01,0x74,0x32,0x28,0x85,0xC0 };
static BYTE shownormalsOFF[] = { 0x01, 0x8B, 0x42, 0x28, 0x85, 0xC0 };

static BYTE EnableFullBright[] = { 0x75, 0x17 };
static BYTE DisableFullBright[] = { 0x74, 0x17 };
static BYTE CheckFlashByte[] = { 0x55 };

void loadSettings()
    char GET_SCREENSHOT[20];

    GetPrivateProfileStringA("SCREENSHOTS", "screenshot", "normal", GET_SCREENSHOT, sizeof(GET_SCREENSHOT), LOAD_SETTINGS);

    if (!_stricmp(GET_SCREENSHOT, "disable")) {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Screenshot is set to disable");
    else if (!_stricmp(GET_SCREENSHOT, "custom")) {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Screenshot is set to custom");
        Settings.SET_SCREENSHOT = _CUSTOMSS;
    else if (!_stricmp(GET_SCREENSHOT, "clean")) {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Screenshot is set to clean");
        Settings.SET_SCREENSHOT = _CLEANSS;
    else if (!_stricmp(GET_SCREENSHOT, "normal")) {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Screenshot is set to normal");
        Settings.SET_SCREENSHOT = _NORMALSS;
    else {
        Settings.SET_SCREENSHOT = _NORMALSS;
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Screenshot is set to normal");

    Settings.GFValue = GetPrivateProfileIntA("Settings", "GlowingFlags", 0, LOAD_SETTINGS);

    if (Settings.GFValue == 1) { Settings.CHECK_GLOWFLAGS = true; }
    else if (Settings.GFValue == 0) { Settings.CHECK_GLOWFLAGS = false; }

PVOID Shoke_FindVMain = NULL;
DWORD pid;
DWORD waitforcgame = NULL;
static bool loadonce;

unsigned __stdcall Shoke_AfterScreenshotMSG(LPVOID useless)
    DWORD cgame = (DWORD)GetModuleHandle("sof2mp_cgamex86.dll");
    if (!cgame) {
        return 0;
//    WriteBytes((char*)cgame + 0x625C8, "\x5E\x33\x53\x53\x20\x54\x41\x4B\x45\x4E", 16);
    WriteBytes((char*)cgame + 0x625C8, "\x5e\x33\x53\x53\x20\x54\x41\x4b\x45\x4e\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", 16);

//    WriteBytes((char*)cgame + 0x625C8, "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", 16);
    message = GetTickCount() + 4000;
    Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Start Timer - Replace timer message with custom message. - 4 seconds.");

    SendToConsole("^5 *** ^7FairPlay AC Bypass ^5 ***\n");
    SendToConsole("^3 *** Screenshot Taken ^3 ***\n");

    return 0;
void WriteBytes(char* dst, char* src, int size)
    DWORD oldprotect;
    VirtualProtect(dst, size, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldprotect);
    memcpy(dst, src, size);
    VirtualProtect(dst, size, oldprotect, &oldprotect);
static void Shoke_Antiflash(void)

MFUNC(DWORD, Shoke_Detours(LPVOID));
MFBEG(DWORD, Shoke_Detours(LPVOID));
DWORD Shoke_Detours(LPVOID)
    DWORD old;


    VirtualProtect((LPVOID)0x400000, 0x100000, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &old);

    OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, pid);
    DWORD BaseAddress = GetModuleBaseAddress(pid, "sof2mp.exe");

    DetourFunction((PBYTE)BaseAddress + 0xB7910, (PBYTE)& Test);
    __asm mov[MovedRoutine], eax;

    DetourFunction((PBYTE)glReadPixels, (PBYTE)&Shoke_Screenshot);
    __asm mov[glReadPixels_org], eax;

    orig_Cvar_Get = (Cvar_Get_t)DetourFunction((PBYTE)BaseAddress + 0x4A110, (PBYTE)&Shoke_CvarRestrictions);

    if (Settings.CHECK_GLOWFLAGS) {
        DetourFunction((PBYTE)glBindTexture, (PBYTE)&Shoke_glBindTexture);
        __asm mov[glBindTexture_org], eax;

        DetourFunction((PBYTE)glDrawElements, (PBYTE)&Shoke_glDrawElements);
        __asm mov[glDrawElements_org], eax;

    int iscgame = Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("vm_cgame");
    if (iscgame == 0) {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Yes cgame, value is set to 0.");
    else {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "No cgame, value is not set to 0.");
        Shoke_SetCvar("vm_cgame", "0");
    while (true) {
        DWORD cgame = (DWORD)GetModuleHandle("sof2mp_cgamex86.dll");
        if (!cgame) {
            if (GetTickCount() > timer) {
                timer = GetTickCount() + 2000;
                Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Waiting for the Client Module...");       
        else {
            //sof2mp_cgamex86.vmMain+3ACA - 81 CF 81000000        - or edi,00000081 { 129 }

            DWORD Addy = cgame + 0x1E25A;
            DWORD engineWH = 0x04C3C5E;
            DWORD FULLBRIGHT = 0x04C1FE8;

            DWORD flashstuff = cgame + 0xECE0;
            DWORD msgPatch = cgame + 0x625C8;
            //sof2mp_cgamex86.dll+ECE0 - 55                    - push ebp

    /*        if (Wallhack->integer == 1) {
                Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Yes, cvar is 1... spam.");
            else if (Wallhack->integer == 2) {
                Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Yes, cvar is 2... spam.");
            if (GetTickCount() < message) {
                execute = true;
            if (execute && GetTickCount() > message) {
                Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Timer done, Patch message now back to original.");
                //Restore bytes: \x25\x32\x69\x3A\x25 // fuck this just use memcpy to copy the original bytes, and then restore it.
                WriteBytes((char*)cgame + 0x625C8, (char *)&RestoreBytes, 16);
                execute = false;
            if (CheckAddress(CheckFlashByte, (LPVOID)flashstuff, sizeof(CheckFlashByte))) {
                Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Flash Addy is unchanged... patching it now ");   
                DetourFunction((PBYTE)flashstuff, (PBYTE)&Shoke_Antiflash);
            7A1DED0B   | F7 05 50 B6 51 7A 00 0A 00 00   | TEST DWORD PTR DS:[7A51B650], A00                  |
            0xF7, 0x05, 0x50, 0xB6, 0x51, 0x7A, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00
            //flashbang sof2mp_cgamex86.dll:$ECE0

            if ((GetAsyncKeyState(KEY_NUMPAD1) & 1)) {
            //68 C8 25 08 78
                if (CheckAddress(DisableFullBright, (LPVOID)FULLBRIGHT, 2)) {
                    WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)FULLBRIGHT, &EnableFullBright, sizeof(EnableFullBright), NULL);
                    Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "FULLBRIGHT Address -> %X Enabled", FULLBRIGHT);
        //            SendToConsole("^5[INFO] ^7Enabled FULLBRIGHT..\n");
                    Settings.fullbrightflag |= FULLBRIGHT_FLAG;
                else if (CheckAddress(EnableFullBright, (LPVOID)FULLBRIGHT, 2)) {
                    WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)FULLBRIGHT, &DisableFullBright, sizeof(DisableFullBright), NULL);
                    Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "FULLBRIGHT Address -> %X Disabled", FULLBRIGHT);
            //        SendToConsole("^5[INFO] ^7Disabled FULLBRIGHT..\n");
                    Settings.fullbrightflag &= ~FULLBRIGHT_FLAG;

            if ((GetAsyncKeyState(KEY_NUMPAD2) & 1)) {
                if (CheckAddress(shownormalsOFF, (LPVOID)engineWH, 6)) {
                    WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)engineWH, &shownormalsON, sizeof(shownormalsON), NULL);
                    Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "ENGINE WH Address -> %X Enabled", engineWH);
    //                SendToConsole("^5[INFO] ^7Enabled WH..\n");
                    Settings.enginewhflag |= ENGINEWH_FLAG;
                else if (CheckAddress(shownormalsON, (LPVOID)engineWH, 6)) {
                    WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)engineWH, &shownormalsOFF, sizeof(shownormalsOFF), NULL);
                    Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "ENGINE WH Address -> %X Disabled", engineWH);
            //        SendToConsole("^5[INFO] ^7Disabled WH..\n");
                    Settings.enginewhflag &= ~ENGINEWH_FLAG;
            if ((GetAsyncKeyState(KEY_NUMPAD3) & 1)) {
                if (CheckAddress(DisableWh, (LPVOID)Addy, 6)) {
                    Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "CGAME WH Address -> %X Disabled", Addy);
                    //    Debug(_ERROR_, "~~~~ WH\n");
                    WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)Addy, &EnableWh, sizeof(EnableWh), NULL);
    //                SendToConsole("^5[INFO] ^7Enabled WH..\n");
                    Settings.clientwhflag |= CLIENTWH_FLAG;

                else if (CheckAddress(EnableWh, (LPVOID)Addy, 6)) {
                    //    SendToConsole("^3Enabled WH");;
                    Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "CGAME WH Address -> %X Enabled", Addy);
                    //    Debug(_ERROR_, "FF\n");
                    WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)Addy, &DisableWh, sizeof(DisableWh), NULL);
        //            SendToConsole("^5[INFO] ^7Disabled WH..\n");
                    Settings.clientwhflag &= ~CLIENTWH_FLAG;
    MFEX(Shoke_Detours, 1000);
    return 0;
void BeforeScreenshot(void)
    DWORD cgame = (DWORD)GetModuleHandle("sof2mp_cgamex86.dll");
    if (!cgame) {
    DWORD Addy = cgame + 0x1E25A;
    DWORD engineWH = 0x04C3C5E;
    if (Settings.GFValue == 1) {
        if (Settings.CHECK_GLOWFLAGS) {
            Settings.CHECK_GLOWFLAGS = false;
    if (Settings.fullbrightflag & 1) {
        WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)FULLBRIGHT, &DisableFullBright, sizeof(DisableFullBright), NULL);
        Settings.fullbrightflag |= FULLBRIGHT_FLAG;
    if (Settings.enginewhflag & 1) {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "[BEFORE SS] WH-ENGINE OFF");
        WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)engineWH, &shownormalsOFF, sizeof(shownormalsOFF), NULL);
        Settings.enginewhflag |= ENGINEWH_FLAG;
    if (Settings.clientwhflag & 1) {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "[BEFORE SS] CLIENTWH OFF..");
        WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)Addy, &DisableWh, sizeof(DisableWh), NULL);
        Settings.clientwhflag |= CLIENTWH_FLAG;
    waitnow = GetTickCount() + 4000; // 4 seconds shud be enough,,, to not show the messages on the SS.

void AfterScreenshot(void)
    DWORD cgame = (DWORD)GetModuleHandle("sof2mp_cgamex86.dll");
    if (!cgame) {

    DWORD Addy = cgame + 0x1E25A;
    DWORD engineWH = 0x04C3C5E;

    if (Settings.fullbrightflag & 1) {

        WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)FULLBRIGHT, &EnableFullBright, sizeof(EnableFullBright), NULL);
    if (Settings.enginewhflag & 1) {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "[AFTER SS] ENGINEWH ON");
        WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)engineWH, &shownormalsON, sizeof(shownormalsON), NULL);
    if (Settings.clientwhflag & 1) {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "[AFTER SS] CLIENTWH ON");
        WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)Addy, &EnableWh, sizeof(EnableWh), NULL);

    if (Settings.GFValue == 1) {
        if (!Settings.CHECK_GLOWFLAGS) {
            Settings.CHECK_GLOWFLAGS = true;
    memcpy(RestoreBytes, (char*)cgame + 0x625C8, 16);
    _beginthread((void(__cdecl*)(void*))Shoke_AfterScreenshotMSG, 0, NULL);

#define IMAGE_WIDTH 640
#define IMAGE_HEIGHT 480

void WINAPI Shoke_Screenshot(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid* data)
    Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "GLreadPixes Hook Codecave test");

    if (Settings.SET_SCREENSHOT == _CUSTOMSS) {
            // Open the image file.
            FILE* fp = fopen("custom.ppm", "rb");
            if (!fp) {
                SendToConsole("Couldn't locate the picture.ppm file.");

            // Read the image data from the file.
            int row, column, channel;
            unsigned char* image_data = (BYTE*)malloc(IMAGE_HEIGHT * IMAGE_WIDTH * 3);
            for (row = 0; row < IMAGE_HEIGHT; row++) {
                int position = IMAGE_WIDTH * 3 * row;
                fseek(fp, position - IMAGE_WIDTH * IMAGE_HEIGHT * 3, SEEK_END);
                fread(image_data + IMAGE_WIDTH * (IMAGE_HEIGHT - 1) * 3 - position, 1, IMAGE_WIDTH * 3, fp);

            // Allocate memory for the resized image.
            unsigned char* resized_image = (BYTE*)malloc(height * width * 3);

            // Perform nearest neighbor interpolation to resize the image to the desired dimensions.
            for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
                for (column = 0; column < width; column++) {
                    int x_index = (int)(column * ((float)IMAGE_WIDTH / (float)width));
                    int y_index = (int)(row * ((float)IMAGE_HEIGHT / (float)height));
                    for (channel = 0; channel < 3; channel++) {
                        resized_image[row * width * 3 + column * 3 + channel] = image_data[y_index * IMAGE_WIDTH * 3 + x_index * 3 + channel];

            // Copy the resized image to the output data.
            memcpy(data, resized_image, height * width * 3);

            // Free memory.

        SendToConsole("^5 *** ^7FairPlay AC Bypass ^5 ***\n");
        SendToConsole("^3 *** Screenshot Taken ^3 ***\n");
    else if (Settings.SET_SCREENSHOT == _CLEANSS) {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "GLreadPixes Hook Codecave test -> CLEAN SS");

        //Give it time and Flush so no hacking traces are left.
        __asm {
            mov eax, CleanScreenAddy
            mov dword ptr[SCR_UpdateScreen], eax
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // 4x should be enuff..
            __asm {
                mov eax, SCR_UpdateScreen
                call eax


        glReadPixels_org(x, y, width, height, format, type, data);
    else if (Settings.SET_SCREENSHOT == _DISABLESS) {
        SendToConsole("^5 *** ^7FairPlay AC Bypass ^5 ***\n");
        SendToConsole("^3 *** Screenshot Taken ^3 ***\n");

    else if (Settings.SET_SCREENSHOT == _NORMALSS) {
        glReadPixels_org(x, y, width, height, format, type, data);
BOOL WINAPI Shoke_NextFile(
    HANDLE hFindFile,
    LPWIN32_FIND_DATAW lpFindFileData
) {
    return false;

BOOL WINAPI Shoke_EnumProcessModules(
    HANDLE hProcess,
    HMODULE* lphModule,
    DWORD cb,
    LPDWORD lpcbNeeded
) {
    return false;
bool isRunning(LPCSTR pName) //Simple but effective
    HWND hwnd;
    hwnd = FindWindow(NULL, pName);
    if (hwnd != 0) {
        return true;
    else {
        return false;
void Shoke_NewWindowName(void)
    //Shoke 16/11/2015 - Let's do this as well, just because i can lol...
    HWND name = FindWindow(NULL, "Fairplay Anticheat");
    SetWindowText(name, "Fairplay Anticheat Hacked by Shoke");
DWORD Shoke_WaitForSoF2()
    HWND hWnd;
    DWORD dwProcessId = -1;
    do {
        hWnd = FindWindowA(0, "Soldier of Fortune 2 Console");
        GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, &dwProcessId);
    } while (dwProcessId == -1);
#ifdef _WIN10
    HMODULE MDC = GetModuleHandle("kernelbase.dll");
    DetourFunc((LPBYTE)GetProcAddress(MDC, "EnumProcessModules"), (LPBYTE)& Shoke_EnumProcessModules, 6);
    HMODULE MDC = GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll");
    DetourFunc((LPBYTE)GetProcAddress(MDC, "K32EnumProcessModules"), (LPBYTE)& Shoke_EnumProcessModules, 6);

    return dwProcessId;
void Shoke_FairPlayEntry(void)
    if (isRunning("Fairplay Anticheat")) {
        DetourFunction((PBYTE)FindNextFileW, (PBYTE)&Shoke_NextFile);

    else {
        CreateThread(NULL, NULL, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)Shoke_Detours, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    DWORD  ul_reason_for_call,
    LPVOID lpReserved

    switch (ul_reason_for_call)
        _beginthread((void(__cdecl*)(void*))Shoke_FairPlayEntry, 0, NULL);
        //        CloseHandle(Entry);
    return TRUE;

Oh man those were fun times back when sof was still alive..
I just remembered about this topic might as well share pieces of the source code itself now.. DEAD GAME.. AMIRITE?

void (WINAPIV* ConsoleCMD)(const char*, char) = (void (WINAPIV*)(const char*, char))0x444380;

static  BYTE EnableWh[] = { 0x81, 0xCF, 0x88, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
static  BYTE DisableWh[] = { 0x81, 0xCF, 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };

static BYTE shownormalsON[] = { 0x01,0x74,0x32,0x28,0x85,0xC0 };
static BYTE shownormalsOFF[] = { 0x01, 0x8B, 0x42, 0x28, 0x85, 0xC0 };

static BYTE EnableFullBright[] = { 0x75, 0x17 };
static BYTE DisableFullBright[] = { 0x74, 0x17 };
static BYTE CheckFlashByte[] = { 0x55 };

void loadSettings()
    char GET_SCREENSHOT[20];

    GetPrivateProfileStringA("SCREENSHOTS", "screenshot", "normal", GET_SCREENSHOT, sizeof(GET_SCREENSHOT), LOAD_SETTINGS);

    if (!_stricmp(GET_SCREENSHOT, "disable")) {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Screenshot is set to disable");
    else if (!_stricmp(GET_SCREENSHOT, "custom")) {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Screenshot is set to custom");
        Settings.SET_SCREENSHOT = _CUSTOMSS;
    else if (!_stricmp(GET_SCREENSHOT, "clean")) {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Screenshot is set to clean");
        Settings.SET_SCREENSHOT = _CLEANSS;
    else if (!_stricmp(GET_SCREENSHOT, "normal")) {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Screenshot is set to normal");
        Settings.SET_SCREENSHOT = _NORMALSS;
    else {
        Settings.SET_SCREENSHOT = _NORMALSS;
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Screenshot is set to normal");

    Settings.GFValue = GetPrivateProfileIntA("Settings", "GlowingFlags", 0, LOAD_SETTINGS);

    if (Settings.GFValue == 1) { Settings.CHECK_GLOWFLAGS = true; }
    else if (Settings.GFValue == 0) { Settings.CHECK_GLOWFLAGS = false; }

PVOID Shoke_FindVMain = NULL;
DWORD pid;
DWORD waitforcgame = NULL;
static bool loadonce;

unsigned __stdcall Shoke_AfterScreenshotMSG(LPVOID useless)
    DWORD cgame = (DWORD)GetModuleHandle("sof2mp_cgamex86.dll");
    if (!cgame) {
        return 0;
//    WriteBytes((char*)cgame + 0x625C8, "\x5E\x33\x53\x53\x20\x54\x41\x4B\x45\x4E", 16);
    WriteBytes((char*)cgame + 0x625C8, "\x5e\x33\x53\x53\x20\x54\x41\x4b\x45\x4e\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", 16);

//    WriteBytes((char*)cgame + 0x625C8, "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", 16);
    message = GetTickCount() + 4000;
    Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Start Timer - Replace timer message with custom message. - 4 seconds.");

    SendToConsole("^5 *** ^7FairPlay AC Bypass ^5 ***\n");
    SendToConsole("^3 *** Screenshot Taken ^3 ***\n");

    return 0;
void WriteBytes(char* dst, char* src, int size)
    DWORD oldprotect;
    VirtualProtect(dst, size, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldprotect);
    memcpy(dst, src, size);
    VirtualProtect(dst, size, oldprotect, &oldprotect);
static void Shoke_Antiflash(void)

MFUNC(DWORD, Shoke_Detours(LPVOID));
MFBEG(DWORD, Shoke_Detours(LPVOID));
DWORD Shoke_Detours(LPVOID)
    DWORD old;


    VirtualProtect((LPVOID)0x400000, 0x100000, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &old);

    OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, pid);
    DWORD BaseAddress = GetModuleBaseAddress(pid, "sof2mp.exe");

    DetourFunction((PBYTE)BaseAddress + 0xB7910, (PBYTE)& Test);
    __asm mov[MovedRoutine], eax;

    DetourFunction((PBYTE)glReadPixels, (PBYTE)&Shoke_Screenshot);
    __asm mov[glReadPixels_org], eax;

    orig_Cvar_Get = (Cvar_Get_t)DetourFunction((PBYTE)BaseAddress + 0x4A110, (PBYTE)&Shoke_CvarRestrictions);

    if (Settings.CHECK_GLOWFLAGS) {
        DetourFunction((PBYTE)glBindTexture, (PBYTE)&Shoke_glBindTexture);
        __asm mov[glBindTexture_org], eax;

        DetourFunction((PBYTE)glDrawElements, (PBYTE)&Shoke_glDrawElements);
        __asm mov[glDrawElements_org], eax;

    int iscgame = Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("vm_cgame");
    if (iscgame == 0) {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Yes cgame, value is set to 0.");
    else {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "No cgame, value is not set to 0.");
        Shoke_SetCvar("vm_cgame", "0");
    while (true) {
        DWORD cgame = (DWORD)GetModuleHandle("sof2mp_cgamex86.dll");
        if (!cgame) {
            if (GetTickCount() > timer) {
                timer = GetTickCount() + 2000;
                Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Waiting for the Client Module...");     
        else {
            //sof2mp_cgamex86.vmMain+3ACA - 81 CF 81000000        - or edi,00000081 { 129 }

            DWORD Addy = cgame + 0x1E25A;
            DWORD engineWH = 0x04C3C5E;
            DWORD FULLBRIGHT = 0x04C1FE8;

            DWORD flashstuff = cgame + 0xECE0;
            DWORD msgPatch = cgame + 0x625C8;
            //sof2mp_cgamex86.dll+ECE0 - 55                    - push ebp

    /*        if (Wallhack->integer == 1) {
                Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Yes, cvar is 1... spam.");
            else if (Wallhack->integer == 2) {
                Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Yes, cvar is 2... spam.");
            if (GetTickCount() < message) {
                execute = true;
            if (execute && GetTickCount() > message) {
                Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Timer done, Patch message now back to original.");
                //Restore bytes: \x25\x32\x69\x3A\x25 // fuck this just use memcpy to copy the original bytes, and then restore it.
                WriteBytes((char*)cgame + 0x625C8, (char *)&RestoreBytes, 16);
                execute = false;
            if (CheckAddress(CheckFlashByte, (LPVOID)flashstuff, sizeof(CheckFlashByte))) {
                Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Flash Addy is unchanged... patching it now "); 
                DetourFunction((PBYTE)flashstuff, (PBYTE)&Shoke_Antiflash);
            7A1DED0B   | F7 05 50 B6 51 7A 00 0A 00 00   | TEST DWORD PTR DS:[7A51B650], A00                  |
            0xF7, 0x05, 0x50, 0xB6, 0x51, 0x7A, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00
            //flashbang sof2mp_cgamex86.dll:$ECE0

            if ((GetAsyncKeyState(KEY_NUMPAD1) & 1)) {
            //68 C8 25 08 78
                if (CheckAddress(DisableFullBright, (LPVOID)FULLBRIGHT, 2)) {
                    WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)FULLBRIGHT, &EnableFullBright, sizeof(EnableFullBright), NULL);
                    Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "FULLBRIGHT Address -> %X Enabled", FULLBRIGHT);
        //            SendToConsole("^5[INFO] ^7Enabled FULLBRIGHT..\n");
                    Settings.fullbrightflag |= FULLBRIGHT_FLAG;
                else if (CheckAddress(EnableFullBright, (LPVOID)FULLBRIGHT, 2)) {
                    WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)FULLBRIGHT, &DisableFullBright, sizeof(DisableFullBright), NULL);
                    Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "FULLBRIGHT Address -> %X Disabled", FULLBRIGHT);
            //        SendToConsole("^5[INFO] ^7Disabled FULLBRIGHT..\n");
                    Settings.fullbrightflag &= ~FULLBRIGHT_FLAG;

            if ((GetAsyncKeyState(KEY_NUMPAD2) & 1)) {
                if (CheckAddress(shownormalsOFF, (LPVOID)engineWH, 6)) {
                    WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)engineWH, &shownormalsON, sizeof(shownormalsON), NULL);
                    Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "ENGINE WH Address -> %X Enabled", engineWH);
    //                SendToConsole("^5[INFO] ^7Enabled WH..\n");
                    Settings.enginewhflag |= ENGINEWH_FLAG;
                else if (CheckAddress(shownormalsON, (LPVOID)engineWH, 6)) {
                    WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)engineWH, &shownormalsOFF, sizeof(shownormalsOFF), NULL);
                    Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "ENGINE WH Address -> %X Disabled", engineWH);
            //        SendToConsole("^5[INFO] ^7Disabled WH..\n");
                    Settings.enginewhflag &= ~ENGINEWH_FLAG;
            if ((GetAsyncKeyState(KEY_NUMPAD3) & 1)) {
                if (CheckAddress(DisableWh, (LPVOID)Addy, 6)) {
                    Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "CGAME WH Address -> %X Disabled", Addy);
                    //    Debug(_ERROR_, "~~~~ WH\n");
                    WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)Addy, &EnableWh, sizeof(EnableWh), NULL);
    //                SendToConsole("^5[INFO] ^7Enabled WH..\n");
                    Settings.clientwhflag |= CLIENTWH_FLAG;

                else if (CheckAddress(EnableWh, (LPVOID)Addy, 6)) {
                    //    SendToConsole("^3Enabled WH");;
                    Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "CGAME WH Address -> %X Enabled", Addy);
                    //    Debug(_ERROR_, "FF\n");
                    WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)Addy, &DisableWh, sizeof(DisableWh), NULL);
        //            SendToConsole("^5[INFO] ^7Disabled WH..\n");
                    Settings.clientwhflag &= ~CLIENTWH_FLAG;
    MFEX(Shoke_Detours, 1000);
    return 0;
void BeforeScreenshot(void)
    DWORD cgame = (DWORD)GetModuleHandle("sof2mp_cgamex86.dll");
    if (!cgame) {
    DWORD Addy = cgame + 0x1E25A;
    DWORD engineWH = 0x04C3C5E;
    if (Settings.GFValue == 1) {
        if (Settings.CHECK_GLOWFLAGS) {
            Settings.CHECK_GLOWFLAGS = false;
    if (Settings.fullbrightflag & 1) {
        WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)FULLBRIGHT, &DisableFullBright, sizeof(DisableFullBright), NULL);
        Settings.fullbrightflag |= FULLBRIGHT_FLAG;
    if (Settings.enginewhflag & 1) {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "[BEFORE SS] WH-ENGINE OFF");
        WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)engineWH, &shownormalsOFF, sizeof(shownormalsOFF), NULL);
        Settings.enginewhflag |= ENGINEWH_FLAG;
    if (Settings.clientwhflag & 1) {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "[BEFORE SS] CLIENTWH OFF..");
        WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)Addy, &DisableWh, sizeof(DisableWh), NULL);
        Settings.clientwhflag |= CLIENTWH_FLAG;
    waitnow = GetTickCount() + 4000; // 4 seconds shud be enough,,, to not show the messages on the SS.

void AfterScreenshot(void)
    DWORD cgame = (DWORD)GetModuleHandle("sof2mp_cgamex86.dll");
    if (!cgame) {

    DWORD Addy = cgame + 0x1E25A;
    DWORD engineWH = 0x04C3C5E;

    if (Settings.fullbrightflag & 1) {

        WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)FULLBRIGHT, &EnableFullBright, sizeof(EnableFullBright), NULL);
    if (Settings.enginewhflag & 1) {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "[AFTER SS] ENGINEWH ON");
        WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)engineWH, &shownormalsON, sizeof(shownormalsON), NULL);
    if (Settings.clientwhflag & 1) {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "[AFTER SS] CLIENTWH ON");
        WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)Addy, &EnableWh, sizeof(EnableWh), NULL);

    if (Settings.GFValue == 1) {
        if (!Settings.CHECK_GLOWFLAGS) {
            Settings.CHECK_GLOWFLAGS = true;
    memcpy(RestoreBytes, (char*)cgame + 0x625C8, 16);
    _beginthread((void(__cdecl*)(void*))Shoke_AfterScreenshotMSG, 0, NULL);

#define IMAGE_WIDTH 640
#define IMAGE_HEIGHT 480

void WINAPI Shoke_Screenshot(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid* data)
    Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "GLreadPixes Hook Codecave test");

    if (Settings.SET_SCREENSHOT == _CUSTOMSS) {
            // Open the image file.
            FILE* fp = fopen("custom.ppm", "rb");
            if (!fp) {
                SendToConsole("Couldn't locate the picture.ppm file.");

            // Read the image data from the file.
            int row, column, channel;
            unsigned char* image_data = (BYTE*)malloc(IMAGE_HEIGHT * IMAGE_WIDTH * 3);
            for (row = 0; row < IMAGE_HEIGHT; row++) {
                int position = IMAGE_WIDTH * 3 * row;
                fseek(fp, position - IMAGE_WIDTH * IMAGE_HEIGHT * 3, SEEK_END);
                fread(image_data + IMAGE_WIDTH * (IMAGE_HEIGHT - 1) * 3 - position, 1, IMAGE_WIDTH * 3, fp);

            // Allocate memory for the resized image.
            unsigned char* resized_image = (BYTE*)malloc(height * width * 3);

            // Perform nearest neighbor interpolation to resize the image to the desired dimensions.
            for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
                for (column = 0; column < width; column++) {
                    int x_index = (int)(column * ((float)IMAGE_WIDTH / (float)width));
                    int y_index = (int)(row * ((float)IMAGE_HEIGHT / (float)height));
                    for (channel = 0; channel < 3; channel++) {
                        resized_image[row * width * 3 + column * 3 + channel] = image_data[y_index * IMAGE_WIDTH * 3 + x_index * 3 + channel];

            // Copy the resized image to the output data.
            memcpy(data, resized_image, height * width * 3);

            // Free memory.

        SendToConsole("^5 *** ^7FairPlay AC Bypass ^5 ***\n");
        SendToConsole("^3 *** Screenshot Taken ^3 ***\n");
    else if (Settings.SET_SCREENSHOT == _CLEANSS) {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "GLreadPixes Hook Codecave test -> CLEAN SS");

        //Give it time and Flush so no hacking traces are left.
        __asm {
            mov eax, CleanScreenAddy
            mov dword ptr[SCR_UpdateScreen], eax
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // 4x should be enuff..
            __asm {
                mov eax, SCR_UpdateScreen
                call eax


        glReadPixels_org(x, y, width, height, format, type, data);
    else if (Settings.SET_SCREENSHOT == _DISABLESS) {
        SendToConsole("^5 *** ^7FairPlay AC Bypass ^5 ***\n");
        SendToConsole("^3 *** Screenshot Taken ^3 ***\n");

    else if (Settings.SET_SCREENSHOT == _NORMALSS) {
        glReadPixels_org(x, y, width, height, format, type, data);
BOOL WINAPI Shoke_NextFile(
    HANDLE hFindFile,
    LPWIN32_FIND_DATAW lpFindFileData
) {
    return false;

BOOL WINAPI Shoke_EnumProcessModules(
    HANDLE hProcess,
    HMODULE* lphModule,
    DWORD cb,
    LPDWORD lpcbNeeded
) {
    return false;
bool isRunning(LPCSTR pName) //Simple but effective
    HWND hwnd;
    hwnd = FindWindow(NULL, pName);
    if (hwnd != 0) {
        return true;
    else {
        return false;
void Shoke_NewWindowName(void)
    //Shoke 16/11/2015 - Let's do this as well, just because i can lol...
    HWND name = FindWindow(NULL, "Fairplay Anticheat");
    SetWindowText(name, "Fairplay Anticheat Hacked by Shoke");
DWORD Shoke_WaitForSoF2()
    HWND hWnd;
    DWORD dwProcessId = -1;
    do {
        hWnd = FindWindowA(0, "Soldier of Fortune 2 Console");
        GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, &dwProcessId);
    } while (dwProcessId == -1);
#ifdef _WIN10
    HMODULE MDC = GetModuleHandle("kernelbase.dll");
    DetourFunc((LPBYTE)GetProcAddress(MDC, "EnumProcessModules"), (LPBYTE)& Shoke_EnumProcessModules, 6);
    HMODULE MDC = GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll");
    DetourFunc((LPBYTE)GetProcAddress(MDC, "K32EnumProcessModules"), (LPBYTE)& Shoke_EnumProcessModules, 6);

    return dwProcessId;
void Shoke_FairPlayEntry(void)
    if (isRunning("Fairplay Anticheat")) {
        DetourFunction((PBYTE)FindNextFileW, (PBYTE)&Shoke_NextFile);

    else {
        CreateThread(NULL, NULL, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)Shoke_Detours, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    DWORD  ul_reason_for_call,
    LPVOID lpReserved

    switch (ul_reason_for_call)
        _beginthread((void(__cdecl*)(void*))Shoke_FairPlayEntry, 0, NULL);
        //        CloseHandle(Entry);
    return TRUE;

Oh man those were fun times back when sof was still alive..
where is the sourcecode pervsmirk ?
I just remembered about this topic might as well share pieces of the source code itself now.. DEAD GAME.. AMIRITE?

void (WINAPIV* ConsoleCMD)(const char*, char) = (void (WINAPIV*)(const char*, char))0x444380;

static  BYTE EnableWh[] = { 0x81, 0xCF, 0x88, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
static  BYTE DisableWh[] = { 0x81, 0xCF, 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };

static BYTE shownormalsON[] = { 0x01,0x74,0x32,0x28,0x85,0xC0 };
static BYTE shownormalsOFF[] = { 0x01, 0x8B, 0x42, 0x28, 0x85, 0xC0 };

static BYTE EnableFullBright[] = { 0x75, 0x17 };
static BYTE DisableFullBright[] = { 0x74, 0x17 };
static BYTE CheckFlashByte[] = { 0x55 };

void loadSettings()
    char GET_SCREENSHOT[20];

    GetPrivateProfileStringA("SCREENSHOTS", "screenshot", "normal", GET_SCREENSHOT, sizeof(GET_SCREENSHOT), LOAD_SETTINGS);

    if (!_stricmp(GET_SCREENSHOT, "disable")) {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Screenshot is set to disable");
    else if (!_stricmp(GET_SCREENSHOT, "custom")) {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Screenshot is set to custom");
        Settings.SET_SCREENSHOT = _CUSTOMSS;
    else if (!_stricmp(GET_SCREENSHOT, "clean")) {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Screenshot is set to clean");
        Settings.SET_SCREENSHOT = _CLEANSS;
    else if (!_stricmp(GET_SCREENSHOT, "normal")) {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Screenshot is set to normal");
        Settings.SET_SCREENSHOT = _NORMALSS;
    else {
        Settings.SET_SCREENSHOT = _NORMALSS;
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Screenshot is set to normal");

    Settings.GFValue = GetPrivateProfileIntA("Settings", "GlowingFlags", 0, LOAD_SETTINGS);

    if (Settings.GFValue == 1) { Settings.CHECK_GLOWFLAGS = true; }
    else if (Settings.GFValue == 0) { Settings.CHECK_GLOWFLAGS = false; }

PVOID Shoke_FindVMain = NULL;
DWORD pid;
DWORD waitforcgame = NULL;
static bool loadonce;

unsigned __stdcall Shoke_AfterScreenshotMSG(LPVOID useless)
    DWORD cgame = (DWORD)GetModuleHandle("sof2mp_cgamex86.dll");
    if (!cgame) {
        return 0;
//    WriteBytes((char*)cgame + 0x625C8, "\x5E\x33\x53\x53\x20\x54\x41\x4B\x45\x4E", 16);
    WriteBytes((char*)cgame + 0x625C8, "\x5e\x33\x53\x53\x20\x54\x41\x4b\x45\x4e\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", 16);

//    WriteBytes((char*)cgame + 0x625C8, "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", 16);
    message = GetTickCount() + 4000;
    Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Start Timer - Replace timer message with custom message. - 4 seconds.");

    SendToConsole("^5 *** ^7FairPlay AC Bypass ^5 ***\n");
    SendToConsole("^3 *** Screenshot Taken ^3 ***\n");

    return 0;
void WriteBytes(char* dst, char* src, int size)
    DWORD oldprotect;
    VirtualProtect(dst, size, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldprotect);
    memcpy(dst, src, size);
    VirtualProtect(dst, size, oldprotect, &oldprotect);
static void Shoke_Antiflash(void)

MFUNC(DWORD, Shoke_Detours(LPVOID));
MFBEG(DWORD, Shoke_Detours(LPVOID));
DWORD Shoke_Detours(LPVOID)
    DWORD old;


    VirtualProtect((LPVOID)0x400000, 0x100000, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &old);

    OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, pid);
    DWORD BaseAddress = GetModuleBaseAddress(pid, "sof2mp.exe");

    DetourFunction((PBYTE)BaseAddress + 0xB7910, (PBYTE)& Test);
    __asm mov[MovedRoutine], eax;

    DetourFunction((PBYTE)glReadPixels, (PBYTE)&Shoke_Screenshot);
    __asm mov[glReadPixels_org], eax;

    orig_Cvar_Get = (Cvar_Get_t)DetourFunction((PBYTE)BaseAddress + 0x4A110, (PBYTE)&Shoke_CvarRestrictions);

    if (Settings.CHECK_GLOWFLAGS) {
        DetourFunction((PBYTE)glBindTexture, (PBYTE)&Shoke_glBindTexture);
        __asm mov[glBindTexture_org], eax;

        DetourFunction((PBYTE)glDrawElements, (PBYTE)&Shoke_glDrawElements);
        __asm mov[glDrawElements_org], eax;

    int iscgame = Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("vm_cgame");
    if (iscgame == 0) {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Yes cgame, value is set to 0.");
    else {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "No cgame, value is not set to 0.");
        Shoke_SetCvar("vm_cgame", "0");
    while (true) {
        DWORD cgame = (DWORD)GetModuleHandle("sof2mp_cgamex86.dll");
        if (!cgame) {
            if (GetTickCount() > timer) {
                timer = GetTickCount() + 2000;
                Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Waiting for the Client Module...");      
        else {
            //sof2mp_cgamex86.vmMain+3ACA - 81 CF 81000000        - or edi,00000081 { 129 }

            DWORD Addy = cgame + 0x1E25A;
            DWORD engineWH = 0x04C3C5E;
            DWORD FULLBRIGHT = 0x04C1FE8;

            DWORD flashstuff = cgame + 0xECE0;
            DWORD msgPatch = cgame + 0x625C8;
            //sof2mp_cgamex86.dll+ECE0 - 55                    - push ebp

    /*        if (Wallhack->integer == 1) {
                Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Yes, cvar is 1... spam.");
            else if (Wallhack->integer == 2) {
                Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Yes, cvar is 2... spam.");
            if (GetTickCount() < message) {
                execute = true;
            if (execute && GetTickCount() > message) {
                Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Timer done, Patch message now back to original.");
                //Restore bytes: \x25\x32\x69\x3A\x25 // fuck this just use memcpy to copy the original bytes, and then restore it.
                WriteBytes((char*)cgame + 0x625C8, (char *)&RestoreBytes, 16);
                execute = false;
            if (CheckAddress(CheckFlashByte, (LPVOID)flashstuff, sizeof(CheckFlashByte))) {
                Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "Flash Addy is unchanged... patching it now ");  
                DetourFunction((PBYTE)flashstuff, (PBYTE)&Shoke_Antiflash);
            7A1DED0B   | F7 05 50 B6 51 7A 00 0A 00 00   | TEST DWORD PTR DS:[7A51B650], A00                  |
            0xF7, 0x05, 0x50, 0xB6, 0x51, 0x7A, 0x00, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x00
            //flashbang sof2mp_cgamex86.dll:$ECE0

            if ((GetAsyncKeyState(KEY_NUMPAD1) & 1)) {
            //68 C8 25 08 78
                if (CheckAddress(DisableFullBright, (LPVOID)FULLBRIGHT, 2)) {
                    WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)FULLBRIGHT, &EnableFullBright, sizeof(EnableFullBright), NULL);
                    Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "FULLBRIGHT Address -> %X Enabled", FULLBRIGHT);
        //            SendToConsole("^5[INFO] ^7Enabled FULLBRIGHT..\n");
                    Settings.fullbrightflag |= FULLBRIGHT_FLAG;
                else if (CheckAddress(EnableFullBright, (LPVOID)FULLBRIGHT, 2)) {
                    WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)FULLBRIGHT, &DisableFullBright, sizeof(DisableFullBright), NULL);
                    Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "FULLBRIGHT Address -> %X Disabled", FULLBRIGHT);
            //        SendToConsole("^5[INFO] ^7Disabled FULLBRIGHT..\n");
                    Settings.fullbrightflag &= ~FULLBRIGHT_FLAG;

            if ((GetAsyncKeyState(KEY_NUMPAD2) & 1)) {
                if (CheckAddress(shownormalsOFF, (LPVOID)engineWH, 6)) {
                    WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)engineWH, &shownormalsON, sizeof(shownormalsON), NULL);
                    Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "ENGINE WH Address -> %X Enabled", engineWH);
    //                SendToConsole("^5[INFO] ^7Enabled WH..\n");
                    Settings.enginewhflag |= ENGINEWH_FLAG;
                else if (CheckAddress(shownormalsON, (LPVOID)engineWH, 6)) {
                    WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)engineWH, &shownormalsOFF, sizeof(shownormalsOFF), NULL);
                    Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "ENGINE WH Address -> %X Disabled", engineWH);
            //        SendToConsole("^5[INFO] ^7Disabled WH..\n");
                    Settings.enginewhflag &= ~ENGINEWH_FLAG;
            if ((GetAsyncKeyState(KEY_NUMPAD3) & 1)) {
                if (CheckAddress(DisableWh, (LPVOID)Addy, 6)) {
                    Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "CGAME WH Address -> %X Disabled", Addy);
                    //    Debug(_ERROR_, "~~~~ WH\n");
                    WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)Addy, &EnableWh, sizeof(EnableWh), NULL);
    //                SendToConsole("^5[INFO] ^7Enabled WH..\n");
                    Settings.clientwhflag |= CLIENTWH_FLAG;

                else if (CheckAddress(EnableWh, (LPVOID)Addy, 6)) {
                    //    SendToConsole("^3Enabled WH");;
                    Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "CGAME WH Address -> %X Enabled", Addy);
                    //    Debug(_ERROR_, "FF\n");
                    WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)Addy, &DisableWh, sizeof(DisableWh), NULL);
        //            SendToConsole("^5[INFO] ^7Disabled WH..\n");
                    Settings.clientwhflag &= ~CLIENTWH_FLAG;
    MFEX(Shoke_Detours, 1000);
    return 0;
void BeforeScreenshot(void)
    DWORD cgame = (DWORD)GetModuleHandle("sof2mp_cgamex86.dll");
    if (!cgame) {
    DWORD Addy = cgame + 0x1E25A;
    DWORD engineWH = 0x04C3C5E;
    if (Settings.GFValue == 1) {
        if (Settings.CHECK_GLOWFLAGS) {
            Settings.CHECK_GLOWFLAGS = false;
    if (Settings.fullbrightflag & 1) {
        WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)FULLBRIGHT, &DisableFullBright, sizeof(DisableFullBright), NULL);
        Settings.fullbrightflag |= FULLBRIGHT_FLAG;
    if (Settings.enginewhflag & 1) {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "[BEFORE SS] WH-ENGINE OFF");
        WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)engineWH, &shownormalsOFF, sizeof(shownormalsOFF), NULL);
        Settings.enginewhflag |= ENGINEWH_FLAG;
    if (Settings.clientwhflag & 1) {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "[BEFORE SS] CLIENTWH OFF..");
        WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)Addy, &DisableWh, sizeof(DisableWh), NULL);
        Settings.clientwhflag |= CLIENTWH_FLAG;
    waitnow = GetTickCount() + 4000; // 4 seconds shud be enough,,, to not show the messages on the SS.

void AfterScreenshot(void)
    DWORD cgame = (DWORD)GetModuleHandle("sof2mp_cgamex86.dll");
    if (!cgame) {

    DWORD Addy = cgame + 0x1E25A;
    DWORD engineWH = 0x04C3C5E;

    if (Settings.fullbrightflag & 1) {

        WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)FULLBRIGHT, &EnableFullBright, sizeof(EnableFullBright), NULL);
    if (Settings.enginewhflag & 1) {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "[AFTER SS] ENGINEWH ON");
        WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)engineWH, &shownormalsON, sizeof(shownormalsON), NULL);
    if (Settings.clientwhflag & 1) {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "[AFTER SS] CLIENTWH ON");
        WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)Addy, &EnableWh, sizeof(EnableWh), NULL);

    if (Settings.GFValue == 1) {
        if (!Settings.CHECK_GLOWFLAGS) {
            Settings.CHECK_GLOWFLAGS = true;
    memcpy(RestoreBytes, (char*)cgame + 0x625C8, 16);
    _beginthread((void(__cdecl*)(void*))Shoke_AfterScreenshotMSG, 0, NULL);

#define IMAGE_WIDTH 640
#define IMAGE_HEIGHT 480

void WINAPI Shoke_Screenshot(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid* data)
    Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "GLreadPixes Hook Codecave test");

    if (Settings.SET_SCREENSHOT == _CUSTOMSS) {
            // Open the image file.
            FILE* fp = fopen("custom.ppm", "rb");
            if (!fp) {
                SendToConsole("Couldn't locate the picture.ppm file.");

            // Read the image data from the file.
            int row, column, channel;
            unsigned char* image_data = (BYTE*)malloc(IMAGE_HEIGHT * IMAGE_WIDTH * 3);
            for (row = 0; row < IMAGE_HEIGHT; row++) {
                int position = IMAGE_WIDTH * 3 * row;
                fseek(fp, position - IMAGE_WIDTH * IMAGE_HEIGHT * 3, SEEK_END);
                fread(image_data + IMAGE_WIDTH * (IMAGE_HEIGHT - 1) * 3 - position, 1, IMAGE_WIDTH * 3, fp);

            // Allocate memory for the resized image.
            unsigned char* resized_image = (BYTE*)malloc(height * width * 3);

            // Perform nearest neighbor interpolation to resize the image to the desired dimensions.
            for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
                for (column = 0; column < width; column++) {
                    int x_index = (int)(column * ((float)IMAGE_WIDTH / (float)width));
                    int y_index = (int)(row * ((float)IMAGE_HEIGHT / (float)height));
                    for (channel = 0; channel < 3; channel++) {
                        resized_image[row * width * 3 + column * 3 + channel] = image_data[y_index * IMAGE_WIDTH * 3 + x_index * 3 + channel];

            // Copy the resized image to the output data.
            memcpy(data, resized_image, height * width * 3);

            // Free memory.

        SendToConsole("^5 *** ^7FairPlay AC Bypass ^5 ***\n");
        SendToConsole("^3 *** Screenshot Taken ^3 ***\n");
    else if (Settings.SET_SCREENSHOT == _CLEANSS) {
        Debug(_NOCOLOR_, "GLreadPixes Hook Codecave test -> CLEAN SS");

        //Give it time and Flush so no hacking traces are left.
        __asm {
            mov eax, CleanScreenAddy
            mov dword ptr[SCR_UpdateScreen], eax
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // 4x should be enuff..
            __asm {
                mov eax, SCR_UpdateScreen
                call eax


        glReadPixels_org(x, y, width, height, format, type, data);
    else if (Settings.SET_SCREENSHOT == _DISABLESS) {
        SendToConsole("^5 *** ^7FairPlay AC Bypass ^5 ***\n");
        SendToConsole("^3 *** Screenshot Taken ^3 ***\n");

    else if (Settings.SET_SCREENSHOT == _NORMALSS) {
        glReadPixels_org(x, y, width, height, format, type, data);
BOOL WINAPI Shoke_NextFile(
    HANDLE hFindFile,
    LPWIN32_FIND_DATAW lpFindFileData
) {
    return false;

BOOL WINAPI Shoke_EnumProcessModules(
    HANDLE hProcess,
    HMODULE* lphModule,
    DWORD cb,
    LPDWORD lpcbNeeded
) {
    return false;
bool isRunning(LPCSTR pName) //Simple but effective
    HWND hwnd;
    hwnd = FindWindow(NULL, pName);
    if (hwnd != 0) {
        return true;
    else {
        return false;
void Shoke_NewWindowName(void)
    //Shoke 16/11/2015 - Let's do this as well, just because i can lol...
    HWND name = FindWindow(NULL, "Fairplay Anticheat");
    SetWindowText(name, "Fairplay Anticheat Hacked by Shoke");
DWORD Shoke_WaitForSoF2()
    HWND hWnd;
    DWORD dwProcessId = -1;
    do {
        hWnd = FindWindowA(0, "Soldier of Fortune 2 Console");
        GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, &dwProcessId);
    } while (dwProcessId == -1);
#ifdef _WIN10
    HMODULE MDC = GetModuleHandle("kernelbase.dll");
    DetourFunc((LPBYTE)GetProcAddress(MDC, "EnumProcessModules"), (LPBYTE)& Shoke_EnumProcessModules, 6);
    HMODULE MDC = GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll");
    DetourFunc((LPBYTE)GetProcAddress(MDC, "K32EnumProcessModules"), (LPBYTE)& Shoke_EnumProcessModules, 6);

    return dwProcessId;
void Shoke_FairPlayEntry(void)
    if (isRunning("Fairplay Anticheat")) {
        DetourFunction((PBYTE)FindNextFileW, (PBYTE)&Shoke_NextFile);

    else {
        CreateThread(NULL, NULL, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)Shoke_Detours, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    DWORD  ul_reason_for_call,
    LPVOID lpReserved

    switch (ul_reason_for_call)
        _beginthread((void(__cdecl*)(void*))Shoke_FairPlayEntry, 0, NULL);
        //        CloseHandle(Entry);
    return TRUE;

Oh man those were fun times back when sof was still alive..
To be honest, change it a bit and it will work fully for guard as well
To be honest, change it a bit and it will work fully for guard as well
Oh really? Interesting.. never bothered looking into guard. If SOF still wud be what it used to be i wudn't have shared the source anyway. I tend to dislike to share my work.

I just wanted to share this because in a way i see it as a nostalgia for myself. All the laughs and odd answers about my hacks from other players that have zero knowledge in the programming world and thinking this was not possible (clean screenshot feature) - so many people relied on fairshots thinking if it doesn't show anything on the screen then you obviously don't hack.

I would have bothered to look into the guard if sof was still active but If i hax it now who's gonna care? :devilish:

GUARD is something that this pro hacker 1Head can do. So @Devil me and Janno will be waiting for your great skills. Let us know the end results. You will be glorified for your work.

I wish the game used to be active again like it once was. But that's just dreams. My beloved game from childhood is a goner now, all that it remains are memories, but hey at least they are good memories and i'm sure you (janno) and i can relate very well to what i'm talking about.

In the end it's why we still are on here and visit the game every now and then, even if it's empty.
GUARD is something that this pro hacker 1Head can do. So @Devil me and Janno will be waiting for your great skills. Let us know the end results. You will be glorified for your work.
Devil has done a lot of it already, clean fs (which btw will probs work the same way as shoke’s source shows) and he’s done.

I wish the game used to be active again like it once was. But that's just dreams. My beloved game from childhood is a goner now, all that it remains are memories, but hey at least they are good memories and i'm sure you (janno) and i can relate very well to what i'm talking about.
Amen about that. Give me a week with old geezers and I’d nolife hard