The end


Whiskey, boats and music
I decided to post this in the announcement section since that concerns everyone of you that are using the anticheat.

With the latest release of the AC. this marks a new chapter for me in SOF2. I’ve decided that I will no longer be developing new features and that this was the last "big" release. Moving forward, I will only be addressing security patches and fixing any new bypasses/bugs that come up.

Henkie came back, made some progress and then disappeared again, just as we know the guy. I’m still in touch with him, but nothing regarding development. That means i am again the only developer for the anticheat which takes up a lot of my time.

The reason for this decision is the steady decline in player numbers and the master server being down. I’ve been closely monitoring the traffic on SOF2 over the past few months, and it’s clear that the community is shrinking.
I’ve reached out to both Raven Software and Activision, but haven’t received any response neither has Janno. Either they don’t check their emails, or it’s clear they have no interest.

The data presented in the charts combines information from DEMO, GOLD, and SILVER versions, meaning that all player statistics are calculated across these different game versions together.
Also be aware the chart currently is not entirely accurate as well, as 3D server is running both on Silver and GOLD with different ports, that means that the player data is calculated twice.

You can view the charts here:



That's all you're going to hear from me. See you in game.
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