Recent content by Staunch

  1. Staunch

    divrango @Join

    You still not allowed to apply and You don't have the qualifications at this time. - Declined
  2. Staunch

    hazard @apply

    Good luck
  3. Staunch

    divrango @Join

    You need to be more active. You can try again after 30 days - Declined
  4. Staunch

    to someone, [MEDIA]

    to someone,
  5. Staunch


    I've opened a poll for you, it will take 10 days to get a result. goodluck Keep using "AC" to improve your chance. -3D Team
  6. Staunch

    back to sof2 and my badmin ;d

    Just be active and re-apply
  7. Staunch

    back to sof2 and my badmin ;d

  8. Staunch

    back to sof2 and my badmin ;d

  9. Staunch

    h a z a r d@Abbly

    Fake account, Please stop making fake accounts. - Declined
  10. Staunch


    You need to put your Anticheat guide and gametracker profile , Improve your application and you need to be more active. You can try again after 30 days - Declined
  11. Staunch


    You need to put your Anticheat guide and gametracker profile , Improve your application and you need to be more active. You can try again after 30 days - Declined
  12. Staunch


    Congratulations @.Doctor:) You've been accepted as trial. Staff will keep an eye on your in-game activity and your admin actions for a month(30 days or prior) to decide whether you can advance to member or not. If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact a staff member. Use "AC"...
  13. Staunch

    3D April promotions

    Thank you for this trust. its the best surprise on Eid
  14. Staunch


  15. Staunch

    Neclas @ apply

    Good luck.