BodY210's app


Personal information:
Name: Abdulrahman
Country: EGYPT

SoF2 information:
Current SoF2 name: BodY210'
Old SoF2 name(s): none
Gametracker profile:`/

General information:
When did you start to play SoF2? 2018

When did you become active in 3D? 1 year

Were you an admin in any other H&S server before? no

Do you know persons in real life that play SoF2? yes

Do you play from home? yep

Why should we let you join?
1- I'm active these days
2- you can say my English is simple tbh (can be understandable)
3- most time I'm playing and there are not any admins and I see many blockers and wallhackers so I want to be useful
4- I didn't play at another server because I liked 3d's system

Do you think there is anything we could improve? no

Additional information: My brother is @DoNaTeLo and he's inactive so I hope from staff knows that I'm not dona and you will see in the game & my actions, some people think that I'm donatelo and they think I'm using wallhack when I play at seek, I record every game I play so when someone says that I'm wh I will have the proof that I'm not wh