telegun and zombie map


So janno i have this idea, telegun is useless in maps like mp_kam1 or inf (random events)

we can fix that add like new mode to telegun for specific maps cvar teleGunMode = 1

so its new attributes will be

- telegun will has 5 shots every successful hit on seekers will give you 2 sec speed boost so 5 successful hits add up to 10 sec speed boost.

- me make map zomibe to add it in 3d bec so many player ask about zombie map and they will like it so i hope you test that map

(@Janno )


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we can fix that add like new mode to telegun for specific maps cvar teleGunMode = 1
we already got it in hideseek_weapons. Telegun can be enabled and disabled by mapcycle creators.
- telegun will has 5 shots every successful hit on seekers will give you 2 sec speed boost so 5 successful hits add up to 10 sec speed boost.
i don't agree, that overpowers the weapon
- me make map zomibe to add it in 3d bec so many player ask about zombie map and they will like it so i hope you test that map
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