Recent content by Shoke

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    Share some nostalgic songs

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    Its probably due to your opengl32.dll not being original @Liberty has the fix for it
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    Painx And Kid

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    Your opengl32 is not original. Either you got a opengl32.dll in your SOF2 folder or a modified opengl32 version in system32 folder.¸ @Liberty has a link for the opengl32 somewhere
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    Rox Anticheat (Previously 1fx AC)

    For everyone using AC, Jenno just implemented Speclist feature into the server-mod today, that means if you want to see who's spectating you, use cg_speclist 1 cvar in console. It will display up to 8 players if there are additional spectators, the number will increase accordingly such as...
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    New server and new rOx hg

    Nobody deserves sadmin more than this guy the way this guy praises my ub3r development skills, that are above any other level on here, just melts my heart. I vote Dragon4Leader
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    Anticheat Demo Recording

    Basically almost the same as shown in the first post, just this is an ui. Maybe a thing or two not included in there.
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    Anticheat Demo Recording

    Ah yes because windows is not doing any shady shit and is not collecting any data you search. Please spare me your stupid comments. And no there is no “external” recording, the way recording works it uses the internal demo recording, provided by the game itself when the recording...
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    Can we investigate this?

    Nobody noticed he is using wh? Hhhh
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    Anticheat Demo Recording

    I've noticed that many people aren't aware of this feature,¸ or simply don't know how to use it and rather use screenshots instead of demo recording. Don't get me wrong making a screenshot of someone is a nice way of knowing if someone is cheating, but you will be on safer side when doing demo...
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    Rox Anticheat (Previously 1fx AC)

    If you guys want to be sure, then don't use screenshots, just use demo recording. I can't say it enough and if we look at the database website, ( you will notice that this feature is barely used. Demo recording is a way better solution and a proper...
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    Rox Anticheat (Previously 1fx AC)

    Version 0.79 Windows 7 support Improved TMI data code. Fixed a crash caused by excessively long names when connecting to the anti-cheat server Fixed a crash in CG_DrawCrosshairNames It is possible now to see who is spectating you, Toggled by cg_drawspeclist cvar, (requires server-side...
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    The fk hhh this is prob wrong website gotta post that on tinder instead hh

    The fk hhh this is prob wrong website gotta post that on tinder instead hh
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    After the Rox Client, it is now time to release the server mod as well. This was my first and biggest project for a game and it started way back in 2010, together with the second developer. The mod was once already released before, way back in 2013 or so. But was never as "polished" as it is...
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    Rox Anticheat (Previously 1fx AC)

    Version 0.78 Added RPG/M4/MM1 icons above player's heads when they carry these weapons in Hide & Seek. RPG/M4/MM1 weapons are now displayed on the radar in Hide & Seek, when dropped. Fixed massive issues with TMI data parsing, ensuring correct display of weapon icons. Fixed the client getting...